This is an event for Marvel Heroic Roleplaying, based on the comic mini-series Super-Villain Team-Up: MODOK’s 11 by Fred van Lente and Frances Portela. MODOK recruits a gang of D-list villains to steal a powerful prize from a formidable adversary, while the superheroes of the world have their attention drawn elsewhere. It is designed for […]
Of Tables and Games: What I’m Playing Now
Before I start, a little Chatty update: Winter and Spring have been my crazy freelancer months for a few years now. I’m knee-deep in pushing the Cortex Plus Hacker’s Guide to layout. Dave and I released the preview version of the Fantasy Heroic Roleplaying game to backers and the response has been both positive and […]
Cortex Plus Hacker’s Guide and Fantasy Heroic Roleplaying
As you might know, Phil and I have been D&D fans for decades. Here on Critical Hits, we’ve spent a lot of time writing about, musing about, and generally playing with D&D and games like it.
Fifty Shades of “Marvel Heroic Roleplaying”
Cortex Plus is an imminently hackable system. Having played in a game that began as Pathfinder and switched to MHRP and kept the same setting, I have experience in crafting MHRP to fit unusual circumstances. I have used MHRP as a basis for changing and epic level Pathfinder game into a more story-telling emphasized hack of MHRP. What follows are some of the more interesting applications that developed in my own game.
Collateral Damage #5: The Glass Crusade
In which Chatty reveals the latest adventures of the West Coast’s most unlikely superheroes. This month’s session introduces a new multi-issue story arc that brings the heroes in a church where they get attacked by a very devout foe! Don’t miss it!
Collateral Damage #4: Getting Hammered in Disneyland
The long awaited adventures of Collateral Damage continue as they face their greatest threat: Dr. Doom! Mud demons, an ancient sorceress and DISNEYLAND! This is an issue you do NOT want to miss!
Epic Changes: Converting from “Pathfinder” to “Marvel Heroic Roleplaying”
As our Pathfinder game progressed through 18 months, 75+ adventures, and nearly 20 levels of play it was increasingly apparent that we had captured lightning in a bottle. Despite the pressures of adulthood, careers, significant others and children in some ways our play group of nearly two decades had just started to hit its stride. Thanks to our DM, the world was teeming with possibility, fantastically developed, and linked together with a metaplot that we had been organically and naturally unraveling since day one. Meanwhile, each player had reached a synthesis of Pathfinder-style combat potency and crafting believable personalities for well-rounded three dimensional play. There was only one problem: Pathfinder itself.
Gen Con 2012: RPG News
Aside from all the D&D stuff I’ve already talked about, there were a couple other big RPG developments, as well as a few that I was interested in following personally.
Review: Marvel Heroic Roleplaying: “Civil War” Event Book
The Marvel Heroic Roleplaying Game’s Civil War Event Book is hard to quickly summarize as anything but massive. From its massive ambitions, to its incredible scope and to the sizable amount of content, the book is in all aspects a massive value. It might seem like an equally massive undertaking for the prospective RPG gamer, but the guidelines help somewhat in keeping you up to speed. You don’t have to be a comic book expert in order to run it. However, I would still recommend some familiarity with the Civil War.
Origins 2012 Report
I almost didn’t attend Origins this year, despite having attended for many years prior. The date change meant that a number of people I knew would not be attending this time around, cutting down reasons for attending. Likewise, I was already making other plans for that time off. Then Get Bit! was nominated for an award, and that pretty much settled that. Despite the changes, I still had a good time. Here are some of the highlights for me.
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