I hear a lot of people talk about how they don’t care for humor in their D&D campaigns. That’s my favorite part! Find out a couple ways to introduce some levity into your game without annoying the crap out of everyone else. Or just annoy the crap out of everyone else. I don’t care. It’s not MY game.
Review “Happy Birthday, Robot!”
In Happy Birthday, Robot! (HBR for short), the players work together to write a short story that emulates the form of a children’s story. The story is written one sentence at a time, with three players having input into each sentence.
Renaissance of Roleplaying
I feel like it is possible to establish a renaissance of roleplaying, assuming you even want to, but it couldn’t possibly work through just one devoted person, even if that person is the DM. It would just be too excruciating, too mortifying, and gradually, the intensity of peer pressure would grind the Method actor back into a more acceptable shape. If this is to work, it would have to be through an explicit contract at the table.
Barf Forth Apocalyptica! Review: Apocalypse World
Not for the faint of heart from both a thematic and playing philosophy point of view, Apocalypse World presents a very clever and potentially engrossing game. It’s main focus is not so much on player accomplishment (or setting exploration) but rather the relationships that form between PCs and the constantly mutating loyalties and rivalries between them.
If you’ve started enjoying story games that thrive on failures like Mouse Guard and Burning Wheel but want to explore a darker, very adult theme, Apocalypse World is worth giving a try.
Dave’s Gen Con 2010 Wrap-up
So you may have seen all the Gen Con schedules posted last week that told you where various Critical Hits staff members were going to be, I am going to buck the trend and tell you where I WAS at Gen Con… or at least the highlights.
What I Learned DMing for 10,000 Players
My first blog, in which I reveal how little I know, and probably would tick off E.M. Forster if he wasn’t dead.
Lessons Learned from Gen Con 2010
Every year I leave Gen Con with a few, crystal clear thoughts that guide my gaming and writing for the upcoming year. This year was no different. So here’s my list of lessons learned.
Gen Con 2010: Drinking Dungeons & Dragons
Now years ago, it started as a joke: making a drinking game out of 4e Dungeons & Dragons. After that, it became an annual tradition at Gen Con for some of our closest blogger friends those first two years, run by ChattyDM. I offered to step in and spear-head the DD&D game, if he would collaborate with me and run a second table. An accord was struck and the planning began: a Drinking Dungeons & Dragons event for Gen Con to top all the previous.
Critical Hits Podcast #21: Red Box Actual Play with Jeremy Crawford
One part interview, one part actual play, all recorded in the noisy Sagamore ballroom, Jeremy Crawford of Wizards of the Coast ran a short game for a group of the Critical-Hits crew showing off characters made using the new D&D Essentials Red Box. What role is the new Fighter Slayer build? What does halfling blood taste like? Are Wookies really the new PC race? Answers to these questions and much more await within.
Critical Hits Podcast #20: Interview with Rich Baker and Mike Mearls
The Friday of Gen Con 2010, Bartoneus and myself sat down with Rich Baker and Mike Mearls of Wizards of the Coast (in the gaming penthouse above their booth) to talk about Dark Sun, Essentials, and beyond. Some of our questions were a bit invalidated by the seminar the next day, but it’s all included for the sake of posterity.
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