I’m an old hand at the convention scene, but how about you? I’m not talking about a convention you’ve attended for work (though there may be some overlap), I’m talking about a con you’ve gone to for fun. Gaming, science fiction, comics, Star Trek, anime, whatever you like.
Inq. of the Week: Campaigning?
For this week what has been on my mind is how my D&D campaign is going to progress into the future, both Dave and I are running games right now and our players have just reached mid-heroic tier, which means there are many new possibilities opening up to them and us as DMs.
Inq. of the Week: PHB2 Races!
As an easy followup, and because I’ve been dealing with D&D races between my Book of Races review and Races feature, I’m asking: which of the PHB2 races are you most excited about?
Inq. of the Week: PHB2 Classes?
Our previous Inquisition focused on a topic near and dear to many RPG players, and can even make or break a person’s whole opinion of a system depending on how it works, systems for magic. I have to say that I’m not surprised to see my personal favorite system, Free Form Magic, come in first place with 27% of the votes.
Inq. of the Week: Oh Oh It’s Magic
While an interesting magic system is not enough to drive a fantasy setting, it does appear to be part of the main hook when getting readers. Likewise, in a fantasy RPG system, this provides an immediate appeal to playing the game if the magic is interesting enough.
Inq. of the Week: Resolution?
This week New Years is on Thursday, and no doubt many people will be taking part in the renewing tradition of setting New Years Resolutions. I’ve set very few of them in my life, and of those I don’t think I’ve ever fulfilled one but at least I set my goals high, right? Okay, maybe not. Whether you set them or not, and if you live up to them or not, the fact that you’re reading this means there is one important resolution that you DO have set.
Inq. of the Week: Choose Your Holiday
With the holiday season in full force, schedules are messed up, bloggers post less (and manage to somehow be even lazier), and holiday meetups of all kinds commence. But as retail agencies and talk show hosts have discovered, not everyone celebrates the same holiday this time of year. Crazy, I know.
Inq. of the Week: Day Jobs?
One thing that we’ve never quite touched on is the topic of what all of us do when we’re not busy gaming, or talking about gaming, or blogging about gaming. I’d say that it’s a safe assumption the vast majority of us still have day jobs, or at the very least are students working through school while we enjoy our wonderful hobbies whenever we can.
Inq. of the Week: Settings for Adventure
Results of the last question about what setting you want to see next, and we ask what settings you’ve actually played in.
Inq. of the Week: 4th Edition Settings?
While it’s fairly common knowledge that Wizards is publishing the Eberron setting for 4th Edition in spring of 2009, I believe there have been no announcements as to which settings may follow. At GenCon Dave and I attended a panel with most of the D&D developers and almost every single one of them listed Dark Sun as the next setting they’d like to see.
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