I have a monthly column on Johnn Four’s Roleplaying tips newsletter. This month, I adapted the material I wrote in our Gen Con 2008 GM-FU seminar to introduce his readers to the concept of tropes. Long time readers will notice that its a re-edition of some of my earlier posts. I’m re-posting it here because […]
Kobold Love: Intro, Background and Summary, Part 1
I’m the type of person who needs to understand a process before tackling it head on. That’s why this post is more about context and theory than actually writing Kobold Love’s first part. Bear with me, it will be worth it. First Impressions are capital When a DM opens up a D&D adventure booklet, the […]
Drunken D&D: Funny Quotes
I’m too exhausted to write a real post. But I have something funny to share it with you. At Gen Con, I played 2 sessions of Drunken D&D (designed by Dave the Game, DMed by yours truly) with my fellow bloggers friends. I wrote a 5 scene adventure for it and Graham created the PCs. […]
DM Chronicles: Session 1, That’s how you start a Campaign! Part 2
See part 1 here. The Banquet We started with all PCs participating in a seemingly endless Banquet hosted by the local Merchant Baron, Brandobaris the Fat. Late into the scene’s night, after some interesting Roleplaying, Brandobaris opened a casket of Drow Wine, reputed to turn into a deadly poison 5 minutes after being exposed to […]
Epic Laundry Basket: Arrogance vs Cockiness
One of the things that I associate with success is giving the appearance of fearlessness, of being Gung Ho about one’s abilities. It does not have to resonate true inside but it sure needs to be outside if you want to be taken seriously. When fame does arrive, people start having reasons to hate you. […]
Kobold Love: Interlude 2, Reflections and the Half-Kobold Template revealed
The Cliff is higher than I thought. Over the weekend the immensity of what I have tackled with Kobold Love crashed on me. As comments, mostly positive, and some (well deserved) reservations started pouring in, what initially felt to me like a public adventure prep exercise took a new dimension. This is the real deal […]
DM Chronicles: Session 1, That’s how you start a Campaign! Part 1
DM Chronicles, along my Adventure Prep posts are my longest running series on the Blog. The Chronicles are a DM’s report of my D&D game that I run twice a month from September to June every year. This year marks our 9th straight year playing with the same core group and my 1st D&D 4e […]
Chatty’s Bedtime Campaign: Nico’s Party!
This is the last part of Nico’s Quest, an interactive bedtime story game I started with him my 6 year old son Nicolas in the last week. I also just bought a digital recorder to better capture the story and write it later since my blogging schedule is starting to get crowded! Chatty: “So what […]
The Seven Habits of Great GMs
Inspired by the Stephen R. Covey’s seminal books. After 25 years of GMing, you learn a few lessons about GMing. Some are easier to learn than others. Here’s a list of what I’ve observed in good GMs and what I strive to develop. It’s in no particular order. Being Enthusiastic: A great GM exudes loves […]
Project Kobold Love: The Adventure Plan
Hello and welcome to the 1st official design essay of Project Kobold Love. Here I’m going to reveal it to you, all 5 scenes of my adventure, including the very Tropa-licious ending I cooked up last week on my plane ride back from Gen Con. The 5 scenes model Kobold Love will follow a model […]
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