We had two adventure hooks going in: working as an escort for a wagon bound for the frontier city of Phandalin. The second plot hook, provided by the party itself was that Phandalin was their next destination for their traveling tour!
The Godless Lands: The Fall of The Divine
As players were picking their character’s classes, I noticed that no one was jostling to pick primary divine-powered classes like clerics or paladins. That gave me a new idea to support my Godless Lands setting.
The Godless Lands: The Troupe
Once we’d established the foundation of the Setting in which we’d play, we proceeded to create the party. True to the principles of Cheetoism, we gathered together, ordered food and discussed the character’s recent past to establish the adventuring party’s Raisons d’Etre.
The Godless Lands: Genesis
As we settled on the core setting, the ideas of playing in a world were all the gods were violently snuffed more or less recently still churned in my mind. I decided that this was a theme I wanted to explore.
The Godless Lands – Concept
An alternate cosmology for D&D, Pathfinder, and other d20 fantasy RPGs.
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