When I was 4, I got an ear infection or strep throat or some other relatively minor infection, and my parents gave me some sort of Sulfa-based antibiotic. That was a really bad idea, because it turns out I am crazy allergic to that, and I basically turned into a tiny red Frankenstein with crazy […]
Burlap Sex Alone Does Not A Relationship Make
Listen, BioWare. You know you’re the only development studio for me. It was never that your games were the prettiest. They’re nice, but you never made me save vs. pants-change like, say, God Of War 3. It was never that your gameplay is the smoothest or most innovative. Don’t get me wrong, Mass Effect 2 was a nice step up from its predecessor, with its powers and equipment systems all nicely overhauled and refined and that superfun mining minigame. That’s not why every BioWare game is a day one purchase for me. But you’re screwing up the main reason you’re awesome. Quit it.
Cleanings of Spring Dawning
This past week, my wife and I have been going through the house getting rid of old stuff. She enjoys freeing up space and seeing the house clean. I enjoy looking at my old stuff, reliving all the good times we had together, and almost weeping when I throw any of it away. And that’s not even talking about my boxes of AD&D 1E books from high school. SAVE VS PETRIFICATION.
Review: Heavy Rain
The Origami Killer has struck again, and the clock is ticking! Read on to find out if Heavy Rain lives up to the hype, how it almost gave me a panic attack, and why you definitely should give this game a look.
Inq. of the Week: Opinions of E3 2009?
For the past week I’ve been hearing faint whispers around the edges of my radar about E3 going on, but it feels like this year everything is far more muted than it has been in previous years. The only thing that I’ve really heard a lot of excitement about is the new Star Wars: The Old Republic trailer, which does look extremely badass and the changes to the MMO style really intrigue me.
Little Big Planet’s Delay Has a Fortunate Side Effect
I don’t even have a PS3 but I heard the news (via kotaku, joystiq, slashdot, and every other gaming publication) about Little Big Planet‘s delay. What was strange was the reason – for a song. I’m not going to bother getting into the silliness of the whole thing but it has spawned a side effect […]
You can do that to Magic cards too, it's just not a big deal
We’ve talked briefly about Eye of Judgement before, the Sony/Wizards of the Coast game that merges the CCG with the PS3. I haven’t played it, nor to my knowledge has anyone on the staff here, but reviews say it’s pretty fun. It still has a huge cost of entry, however. Well, maybe not so bad, […]
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