The secret no bard uttered and no poet told, was this: these warlords and heroes also wanted to settle down, find peace, and scratch their own subsistence existence from the soil with pointy sticks. What good is the story of Harold the Great who defeated the Dwarves at Holden Pass when Harold brutalized his way through the pass just to get the quality soil beyond?
Bards, Lies, and Magic Items: The Mass-Producing Artificer Con
The Artificer stood before the Duke. She said she possessed a marvelous power. The Artificer knew the secret of crafting magic items in bulk. Instead of a single sword, the Artificer produced hundreds. No, thousands. In a short time.
Ars Gratia Pecuniae: Art, Magic, Murder Hobos, and Cash
The Guild of Artificers took their tale of the dungeon, the beholder, the three tragically dead heroes, and the wand’s creator and packaged into a story. A week later, they sold it to a most discerning collector for 40K gold.
The Incense War: a Story of Price Discovery, Mayhem, and Lust
Neither dragon nor God stood down. Now it was about principle. The war was on for incense.
And We Went East
Let’s follow the money, the Halfling Thief said. Let’s follow the peppercorns. And we went east.
Murder Hobo Insurance and the Guild of Abjuration
It was a great business idea. It would all work. Murder Hobo insurance was born.
And Now, a Commercial Break from Big Fantasy God,Inc.
The fire started with the tiniest of sparks. One small, nearly forgotten Sheep Goddess needed more worshippers or else she faced the worst in God-based bankruptcy: fading away into irrelevance. Other Gods she knew had faded and died. She was not letting it happen to her, sheep or no sheep.
The Murder Hobo Investment Bubble
Let’s assume for a moment the Old Man is not an altruistic lover of villagers and hater of all goblinkind. Nor is he sitting in the same Inn with the same offer of 4000 gold pieces waiting for the level-correct Murder Hobos to wander in for his health. What’s in the side quest business for the Old Man?
Ozmo’s Magic Hospitality Company and Reality’s End
The Diviner points to a small scrawl and a happy little printed cartoon mage on the base of the scroll. “Ozmo’s Magic Hospitality Company produced this scroll. We’ve been tracking these scrolls with great interest.”
Murder Hobos and the Supply Curve of Evil
For this adventure, the GM (who is also an economist and is, therefore, unbelievably sadistic and evil) assumes the demand for the pearls remains a relative constant – it does not suddenly dip or climb.
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