No newspaper circulates with evil want-ads in the back. No Quest Givers sit around in taverns trying to get evil to go on evil missions and join Evil Empires.
The Franchise of Evil
A household evil name is more than a brand. It’s a stamp of evil quality. Murder Hobos know what they’re getting when they run with that brand.
Corporate Contracts in the Far-Off Future Dystopia
Violence makes things messy and inconvenient. Corporations like things neat and convenient. And bureaucratic.
The Decker and the 10M of Fiber Optic Cable
Algorithms become faster, smarter, and more efficient. Nastier. More aggressive.
Lloth, Goddess of the Underdark Wide Web
The spiders crafted enormous fragile webs along the chains of the gaslight lamps and up the sides of the caverns. The Goddess granted her Clerics a new Channel Divinity – Web Message.
The Unspoken God of Knowledge
The God of Knowledge no longer wished to share learning and knowledge with the world. He wanted learning and knowledge to come to Him. And He wanted it all. To keep His existence. To keep it secret. To keep it safe.
Cargo Cults in the Murder Hobo Dark Ages
Wuffa was King of the Wolf People. He claimed a pedigree going back to the old country’s mythical Kings and their God of War and Death. His actual pedigree went back two generations to a strong man mercenary who seized an opportunity to better himself.
What the Orks Want
Do the Orks have a greater reason for their existence? Or, are they merely story filler like so many fantasy packing peanuts surrounding the nugget of the interesting stuff?
Murder Hobos and Empire
Nothing lasts forever unless it exists in a hermetically sealed box. But the Elves are smart and they stack the deck. These particular Elves (good and shining all) built their Empire like so.
Murder Hobos and the Economics of Piracy
Piracy is simply another form of market speculation, albeit an extremely violent one. When making the choice to raid a ship, or even become pirates at all, the would-be pirates make a conscious risk-reward calculation.
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