Welcome, Ladies and Gentlemen to the first installment of Critical-Hits pwns Video Games with Bartoneus and Joshx0rfz. We present to you here something that will mystify, mesmerize, sanitize, maximize, hypnotize, prioritize, and in every way satisfy your senses, a tangental review of Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion! The following is an e-mail correspondence between Bartoneus and […]
Developer's Diaries
For anyone who is interested in learning more about how the people who create games think, The Elder Scrolls.com has a long series of Diaries from the creative staff detailing everything from marketing to programming and level design. The latest one discusses the processes that the designers went through in trying to create a real world environment […]
WoW: Assholes on Parade
Imagine, if you will, this: a well known World of Warcraft player dies, so the members of his Guild or whatever log in his character, get together by a beach, and pay their respects to the dearly departed. Now imagine that a rival Guild decides this would be an awesome opportunity to wipe out said […]
Some April's Fools, some Not.
A pair of teenage girls in Ohio are facing charges for placing golden wrapping paper covered boxes around their hometown designed like the famous question-mark boxes from Super Mario Bros. This is great because we are punishing people for our own national insecurities, even when it is revealed that these 16 year old girls were […]
Enter Oblivion
Enter Oblivion and welcome the dearth of posts it brings. Enter not 3rd person, you will realize how foolish and insipid your character looks when he moves! Fear the horse, for it is slow and unwieldy. Enter not 3rd person whilst riding upon thy horse, you will notice again how foolish and insipid your character […]
A Chill Wind Blows
If you haven’t heard already, Starcraft : Ghost is being delayed, with the reason given that Blizzard wants to re-evaluate the capabilities of the next-gen consoles. This should seem fishy to you already, as Ghost was originally announced as a next-generation game, back when the X-Box was fighting for its share of Sony’s market. While […]
Gameplay to the Forefront
The Experimental Gameplay Project has announced a new competition they are hosting, where people are to create a game in two weeks time. Their site already hosts many such games, where gameplay and innovation are favored over licenses and advertisement. A few that I would suggest immeadiately are Particle Suck and Tower of Goo. Both […]
2006 Game Developers Choice Awards
Here is a quick article talking about the results, which features a very surprising sweep by my favorite game lately, Shadow of the Colossus. This is not a shock to me, as Colossus has managed to be one of the most impressive games I’ve ever played. It features very innovative and fun gameplay, as you journey from […]
The Politicians Have Eyes
There is a Gamespot news article detailing Joe Lieberman and Hillary Clinton’s latest attempts to stab at the heart of the evil, youth-eroding industry that is Video Games. For a long time they have been set on finding some way to legally prohibit the distribution, if not the very creation, of violent video games in […]
Elder Scrolls IV Now Gold!
According to Gamespot, Oblivion has finally gone gold! I think I speak for everyone everywhere (well, everyone who isn’t a ninny) when I say: WOOOO! Of course, we should wait for confirmation from a certain architect who works in the same building as Bethesda Softworks. But still… WOOOHOO!
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