Hey, folks. Here’s a quick update to let you know I’ll be a guest at NorWesCon 35 in Seatac, WA this weekend. Here’s my schedule. Friday 11 am in Evergreen 1&2 The Influence of Tabletop Games on Video Games, with Eric Cagle, Dustin J. Gross, and Joshua Howard Friday 6 pm in Evergreen 3&4 Have […]
The Old School Job, Part 1: The Temple-Brothel of Monte-Cookus
In which Chatty finally reveals what new RPG hack he’s been working on for so long and starts telling the story of his latest play test game in a mythical fantasy city.
A Very Gamma Christmas
“‘Twas the night before Christmas” / (or so the book said) / not an Ancient was stirring / (because they’re long dead)
Just A Geek (And Forty Thousand Other Geeks)
Wil Wheaton and I were both at Gen Con this year. Mysteriously, his deeds were somewhat more celebrated. Read on for the epic account of my dealings with the Wheaton and his eventual defeat at my hands! (Note: I defeat him with a secret technique involving my low CHA score. Also, he may not be aware of his defeat, or that we battled. But we totally did. Epically.)
Friday Chat: Are You Trying Too Hard?
Friday Chats are end-of-week posts intended to foster discussion on various RPG topics that bounce around in my noggin’. This week, with my post on prepping for my game,cramming it with all the awesome Magitek I can think of and applying lessons from last week’s posts, I caught myself asking, yet again, “Dude, aren’t you […]
I’ve Had Enough
I can no longer stand idly by, party to a fraud perpetrated on our readers.Taking advantage of the fact that I’m the only writer on duty right now, hoping that my treason goes undetected long enough for word to spread, I make my stand.It is with a heavy heart that I admit my role in […]
Chatty’s Out of the Box #006: Gummy Dragons
Here’s another comic with some new characters, once again done with the creative support of my good friend PM. It was about time that I put my gargantuan and Colossal dragons to use, it’s not like I ever needed them in my actual games. I owe the original idea of this comic to Scotticus, thanks […]
Chatty’s Out of the Box #005: Right Said Slaad!
Here’s a new comic with my favorite Green Spawn of Chaos! As usual, click thumbnail. This time I’ve officially teamed up with PM who contributed to the writing and the Photoshoping. He deserves his share of the credit and here it is. I think we’re on to something here and we already have brainstormed a […]
Pathfinder #6 preview and conclusion: The Lost City of Adventure’s End
I just got the notification that issue #7 was shipped this week. That made me realize that I had to write a short blurb on the final issue of Paizo’s Rise of Runelords Adventure Path. Issue #6: Spires of Xin-Shalast brings the stories of ancient, evil Sin-magic and the old empires based on them to […]
Chatty’s Out of the Box #004: Memories…
Here’s my Webcomic tribute to a great man. As usual, click on the thumbnail (and possibly once again on the picture) to get the sharpest image. It’s funny how many memories one can keep of this game. All stories you see in the comic truly happened and featured, my friends Nicolas (panel 1, gone to […]
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