I hate January. A lot. I hope to reverse this condition with radical, intensive game-convention therapy in the form of DDXP. And Gamma radiation. GET IT?
Hell Bent For Leather
An epic tale in which my shaman gets a job, but no haircut. In which honor swims around and is delicious when barbecued. In which I learn valuable life lessons that I never use, but become a man anyway. I loved. I learned. I farmed 10 stacks of Heavy Savage Leather while watching Jersey Shore, and wondered what debuffs armor made out of Snooki hide would give the wearer.
Shamanic Puberty
A coming-of-age tale of one man and two berserkers. Of fighting and healing. Of puppies and of elven bones knitting. Of divine power and delicate constitutions. Of character acne. I don’t know what that is, but it definitely underscores the need for good PC hygiene.
Vanir’s New Year’s Gaming Resolutions (2011 Edition)
Since the new year is almost upon us, I decided perhaps I should give a look to how I would like the entertainment portion of my life to function over the next year.
The Leg-Lamp of Vecna
Read on as I discover the true meaning of Christmas. Does it involve amputation? Setting aside one’s humanity to gain unlimited power? Spinach? Only Santa knows for sure.
A Very Gamma Christmas
“‘Twas the night before Christmas” / (or so the book said) / not an Ancient was stirring / (because they’re long dead)
One-Hour Game Design
A year ago, I went to Nanocon and made friends with the illustrious Richard Dansky. On Friday evening, we were a between commitments, and we were amused at the Dakota State University game design program’s promotional literature. We also stumbled on some loose dice and game pieces. We decided to make a game . . .
Chatty Plays: “Last Night on Earth”
In which Chatty shambles with the recently dead and delivers a putrid review of the best Zombies board game around… but be ready to lose to those zombies, often!
Review: “Resident Evil Deck Building Game”
Bandai Collectible Games is soon releasing their foray into the “deck building” genre. Don’t know what a deck building game is? In this type of game there are a variety of different cards on the play field that you “purchase” to place into your deck. Each turn you draw some cards from your deck to make up your hand to do things like buy higher cost items, draw more cards, or perform special actions. When your deck runs out of cards, you shuffle your discard pile and start all over again, making your deck grow more powerful with each passing turn.
Afraid Of The Dark
Get into the Halloween spirit with this festive post where I relive a bunch of the night terrors I had as a child. Woo! Party (while screaming bloody murder for my parents)!
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