While Apocalypse World is a low prep RPG, it is by no means a no prep one. The game/author reminds us in no light terms to refrain from plotting out a story. Instead, the book provides a series of structured tools to build what’s called Fronts, templates of linked threats that loom around the PCs, trying to forward specific dark agendas the PCs may decide (or have no choice) to go against.
The Dungeon Master Guys, Episode 5
Luke Crane tells us what GMs can learn from Gen Con, Mike Shea of Sly Flourish talks about epic-level play, and Chris Perkins defends his reputation as a killer DM.
Essentially Unbalanced: For Better or Worse
Since everyone else is talking about Essentials, it is time to look at the new rules with regards to balance between character classes. In the brave new post-Essentials world of D&D, should we be striving for balance or avoiding it?
Reel Melee: The Fateful Duel
As I watched helplessly, I realized there was a certain rhythm to the battles, a swing and parry, a leap and tumble, a slash and dash and crash… a STANDARD and MOVE and MINOR. All at once, I saw that the action in this movie could be broken into pieces and reassembled into something like the Dungeons & Dragons 4E combat rules.
Playlist Design
I’ve thought for a while now that developing game concepts based on a random music playlist could lead to a useful creative exercise and a fun article. So I’ve grabbed five songs at random (but taken from my 4- and 5-star songs so I definitely know the content), ran with the first ideas they gave me, determined which type of tabletop game best suited the idea, and wrote a brief description. I’ll quote the songs when necessary to show what inspired me in them.
Critical Hits Podcast #23: Tomb of Horrors Actual Play (Part 2)
Running the 4e conversion of the Tomb of Horrors (from the DM Rewards program) continues. In part 1, the party ventured into the Tomb and explored the first hallway, encountering pit traps and riddles. At the end of the hallway, they ignore a certain green devil face (with a darkened mouth) to all leap into a portal. We pick up right there afterward.
Chatty’s Mailbag: Good Troll Hunting
Last week, I got an interesting email from M. asking advice about dealing with “That Guy”. Now contrary to the ones we discussed in that panel in Toronto, everything seems to indicate that M.’s guy is one to get the generic “you have to be the flexible one to fit him in your game” answer. Quite the contrary.
Inquisition: Do You Like Essentials?
We haven’t done an Inquisition of the Week in a while, and though we don’t plan on doing them every week I will simply call this an Inquisition as we will be doing one every now and then. Today I’d like to ask all of you about the Essentials line of products for Dungeons & Dragons 4th Edition that are releasing this month, starting with the Red Box that is already out and continuing for the next few months with the limited run of products.
Is Your Home Campaign Organized?
If this column takes more than an hour to load, then you will know what my earliest experiences with computer games were like. So I’ll take RPGs every time, whether they are home campaigns or organized-play offerings.
The PAX Report
Like all good things, PAX ended. Due to required nuptial witnessing, it ended on Saturday for me. Oh, I’m not bitter. In fact, I feel privileged that PAX is local. With all this good stuff happening before, during, and after the show, it’s sure to become one of my yearly rituals. Here are some high points of my trip to the show.
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