In Misspent Youth, you tell the tale of a group of Young Offenders (YOs) – teenagers in a science fiction world under the thumb of oppression who are pushed into rebellion. Over the course of several episodes (sessions) you reveal why they rebel, how they protect themselves from The Authority when it tries to put them back in their place, how the fight forces them to grow up (for better and for worse) and, finally, whether they succeed in bringing The Authority to its knees.
D&D Essentials and the 4.5 Edition Issue
It’s Monday and as of last week the Wizards Premiere stores have been selling Heroes of the Forgotten Kingdoms and Monster Vault, which means for most intents and purposes the entirety of the D&D Essentials line is now out there for people to play and read. As people absorb and utilize the material we should be able to gain a general sense of exactly what Essentials really is and what it means for the 4th Edition of Dungeons & Dragons. That said, one of the biggest concerns/complaints/or whatever you choose to call it that I’ve heard raised about D&D Essentials is whether or not it is D&D Edition 4.5.
Transmute Veteran Gamer to Newbie
I took introducing my players to this new system as a personal challenge. How would I introduce the system? How would I avoid overwhelming them with the intricacies of the game system, but still get the game up and running quickly? How would I make this new game experience easy for the players while still satisfying my personal urges to immerse them in the world and the story I was developing?
Support the Bagram Air Force Base Gaming Community
Jason over at The Action Point blog has been deployed over in Afghanistan at the Bagram Air Force Base. He’s setting up gaming for the troops, but he’s run into a problem: they don’t have enough stuff. While they’re getting official support in the form of Encounters, they can still use the essentials: dice, books, minis, maps, etc.
Critical Hits Podcast #25: Tomb of Horrors Actual Play (Part 4)
We pick up with the party re-exploring the entrance and finding a passageway they missed the first time around, and getting into a combat against a four-armed gargoyle. You’ll also hear my terrible DMing/miniature secret outed by my players.
Character Builder: The Next Generation
Wizards of the Coast announced today that the new version of Character Builder will be released on 11/16. As has been previously rumored, the new version is web-based, and will support Essentials and Dark Sun characters, which the previous version was not updated to do. The old, downloadable version will still work, but will not receive any further updates. Monster Builder (and other web-based tools) are to follow later. The FAQ on the character builder goes over some of the issues as well, and below is some of my take on the whole thing.
Ghoulish Mailbag: Handling PC Death
Fighting Ghouls and Goblins, Chatty picks a letter from his mailbox and tackles the classic “but what’s a GM to do when a PC dies?”
When the Bad Guys Win: Chatty’s Gamma World One Shot
In which Chatty breaks out his brand new Gamma World game and tries a different kind of post-apocalyptic game with his buddies. It’s all fun and games until someone gets shredded by a Porcupine Bush on Speeds.
Apocalypse Short: The Siege of Shanty Town (Part 5)
After not writing anything for nearly 2 weeks, Chatty returns with a short recap of his last Apocalypse World session where they concluded their mini-campaign. Was Shanty Town saved or was it shelled to bits?
More Mailbag
This week I’m resting up. I’ll be old and crotchety by Saturday, so I’m taking it easy to build up my strength. (Okay, I’m playing a lot of Mass Effect 2. I like to keep Renegade nearly as high as Paragon, so don’t push me.) I’ve been working up a few ideas. Kyle Ferrin’s fine image for my Mailbag feature needs some showing off, too. It makes sense, with this confluence of events, to post some requests to you. I’ll do these articles without any help, but I figured it makes sense to do something more personal. Check out the possibilities.
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