What they’ve come up with is a pretty solid product with some extra specific to D&D touches that I haven’t seen so smoothly integrated elsewhere, which gives me hope for this product. There’s still a few key features I would love to see (which I’ll get into) but it’s a great start, and totally useable right out of the gate.
How Do You Turn a GM Off the Tracks Onto a Dirt Road?
As part of running Roleplaying Tips, I often receive questions about common gaming problems. One reader sent me this question recently, which might have come up in your gaming group: “How do you wean a GM off of a cinematic/railroad style?”
Chatty Plays, Part 3: Burning Wheel, Monstrous Power Play
In which Chatty finally reveals what happens to Yan’s Snake-woman PC when our unified group of adventurers decide to attack her. Will the alliance stand? Will the snake woman survive? Come and read about it!
Review: Essentials D&D “Heroes” Books
If you’re a 4th Edition Dungeons & Dragons player then the two Essentials books that you most want to look at are Heroes of the Fallen Lands and Heroes of the Forgotten Kingdoms. Each book is presented in a similar style to a stand alone Player’s Handbook with Heroes of the Fallen Lands introducing new builds for the classic D&D classes (Clerics, Fighters, Rogues, and Wizards) while Heroes of the Forgotten Kingdoms introduces new builds for Druids, Paladins, Rangers, and Warlocks. Each of these books stands on its own perfectly well and you don’t need to buy both if you’re only interested in the classes presented in one of them.
Chatty Plays, Part 2: Burning Wheel, Compromising Canucks
In which Chatty starts relating a play-by-play account of the Burning Wheel scenario “The Sword” as played by his long-standing gaming group.
Fable 3 Half-Review Part 2 – Freedom: The Final Betrayal
In the name of all that is good and holy in this world, you MUST to read the last half of my review of Fable 3. To protect yourself. To protect your family. For AMERICA. (If you do not live in America, I am sorry. Your reading this review will still be counted as being for America.)
Do As I Say, Not As I Did
They say that there is no better teacher than failure. Let me show you how good a teacher I am.
Chatty Plays, Part 1: Burning Wheel, Getting into the Game
In which Chatty explains what brought him to finally try Burning Wheel with his players and how he prepared for running the game’s introductory adventure, a short Dungeon Crawl scenario called ‘The Sword”
How to Read Minds: Body Language at the Gaming Table
Did you ever meet someone whose stories always fizzle without much of a punch? Me too. The issue with their stories isn’t necessarily the content; some other guy or gal might tell the same stories with everyone around them hanging on their every word.
The Littlest Con
Nanocon’s magic is in its intimacy. It presents a great opportunity to meet players and play games. As a guest, I also had the chance to mingle with all the other guests, as well as the faculty and organizers. That type of interaction with others who love games is hard to overvalue. Perhaps needless to say, I’m glad I went.
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