In which Chatty concludes his Savage tale of Savage Epicness in the Wild West of Savage Worlds. Will his PC be stuck in jail while his friends try to complete the caper without him?
Announcing: Gamma World Guide, Grand Unified Junk Table, and the Junkulator
Announcing: Gamma World Guide, the Grand Unified Junk Table, the Junkulator random ancient junk generator, and an accompanying article by Jared von Hindman of Head Injury Theater.
Gamma World: You Can’t Handle All This Junk
The Grand Unified Junk table has terrible things from all editions….that had Junk tables. Sure, they might have been called Loot or Treasure, but anyone who played knew they mostly contained something that you’d be embarrassed to have…or ashamed to be excited to have. The White Wolf & Alternity editions, being serious expeditions into Gamma Terra, had nothing to stuff inside my trunk. The others? Oh my. Here’s a brief rundown, followed by some of my personal favorites that just might convince you that the Grand Unified Junk Table needs to be let into your heart (or hearts, if you have more than one).
Interview with Rich Marflak, Winner of the First RPGA Open Tournament in 1981
An interview with Rich Marflak, the winner of the first RPGA Open tournament at GenCon in 1981.
What I Learned Running a 1 to 30 D&D Campaign
As I write this I sit less than 12 hours away from the last adventure of a level 1 to 30 D&D 4e campaign and I’m feeling strangely emotional about it. I’m extremely lucky to have players willing and able to play nearly every week for two and a half years. I’ve had to come up with an interesting adventure for over 100 sessions that tied together a story spanning the entire level range of 4e D&D.
Savage West, Session 1: The Riverboat Poker Heist, Of Marks and Busts
In which Chatty continues describing his Savage Worlds Wild West game where they start executing their complicated plans to steal the prize money of the Annual Rio Grande Riverboat Poker tournament.
The Gammarizer: Bringing Your Town to Gamma Terra
The Gammarizer is my attempt at a semi-random adventure generation tool for Gamma World. You start with a location all the players are familiar with (like your hometown) and then change it to fit into the post-apocalyptic setting of Gamma Terra, and in the process, generate an adventure on the fly. This method focuses on using the elements of a setting and altering it to connect to the origins of the PCs to give it that Gamma flavor and a personal connection.
Review: “Leverage” RPG
The Leverage RPG has just been released from Margaret Weis Productions to bring the same sort of stories to your RPG table. You assemble your crew of a grifter, hacker, hitter, mastermind, and thief and pull off one job in an evening to help the helpless and provide… leverage.
Savage West, Session 1: The Riverboat Poker Heist, The Plan
In which Chatty starts discussing his first experience with Savage Worlds… as a player! Shortly after the American Civil War, the Wild West offers opportunities and riches to those bold enough to venture there… what will 4 lowly hustlers do there?
Review: “Legend of the 5 Rings” 4th Edition RPG
I discovered Legend of the Five Rings several years ago, but in the past I have never had a chance to play the RPG system itself and instead have ended up playing Oriental Adventure version of D&D or other systems with strong Asian influences. That’s why I’m very thankful that Alderac Entertainment Group has provided us with the 4th Edition of the Legend of the Five Rings Roleplaying Game core book, which is right off the bat one of the most beautiful RPG books I’ve ever seen. Plus a contest to win a copy of the L5R core book!
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