Collected liveblog by Vanir of the DDXP 2011 New Product Seminar. A few new products announced, some details of previously announced products, and the additional loss of a product or two.
Chatty Plays: Freemarket Part 3, Ghost’N’Breakin’
This post chronicles the second half of our Freemarket game. You can follow my post on character creation here and my recounting of the first half here. Let’s conclude our David vs Goliath story of stolen sex toys designs, covetous enlightened blanks and subtle revenge. Quick dramatis personae reminder: Jack Knife (Yan): Jack of many […]
Unboxing: Wrath of Ashardalon D&D Board Game
For those of us who have been playing and enjoying the game Castle Ravenloft, anticipation has been building for the quick release of the second D&D Adventure System board game Wrath of Ashardalon! We were fortunate enough to get an early preview copy and so what I’d like to provide for you today is a brief post about the box and its contents as well as a preview of what to expect from the game based on a preliminary look through the rules and components.
A Cure For The Januarys
I hate January. A lot. I hope to reverse this condition with radical, intensive game-convention therapy in the form of DDXP. And Gamma radiation. GET IT?
Eulogy for D&D Miniatures
We are gathered here today to say goodbye to some old friends. For the last seven years they have entertained us with their crazy overly-large axes, completely inappropriate phallic clubs, and fiery jazz hands. They have fuelled our imaginations with naked bat-winged lady-folk and helped us avoid trying to describe just what the hell a […]
Chatty Play’s: Freemarket Part 2, The Steam Stallion
In which Chatty shamefully tells the tale of how his players used a brand new, state-of-the-Art Role Playing Game and tested it’s revolutionary task resolution mechanic… to make a wall and a sex toy. True Story, but hell did everyone have fun.
Chatty Plays: Freemarket Part 1, Character Generation
In which Chatty writes about his Freemarket game, starting with character generation. Expect some gushing about the game system and a walk through of Char Gen
4e Success or Failure: Magic Items
Were 4e’s changes to magic items a success or a failure? Are they streamlined and lean, or boring and plain? Logan Bonner delineates where they went right and where they went wrong in revamping the classic treasures of D&D.
Four Months in the Borderlands: D&D Encounters
Dave “The Game” Chalker talks about his experiences running the latest season of D&D Encounters: Keep on the Borderlands, and ruminates a bit on the state of D&D from playing with strangers.
The Architect DM: Progress in Your Game World
Have you ever noticed that in most published tabletop RPG material the towns, cities, and overall civilization are kind of stagnant? Now have you ever driven down a street or been to a building campus and wondered when they would STOP doing construction on it? Our real life towns, cities, and overall civilization are very rarely in a state of stillness. When do these people build their cottages, repair their castles, and dig their mines? What I’m talking about today is introducing an element to your D&D games and RPGs that is very near and dear to the general topics I discuss in this column: construction!
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