In which Chatty and his son Nico start exploring Castle Death and make up new rules as they go along, creating a unique introductory roleplaying experience.
O The Tangled Webs We Weep, When Breathe We Don’t When Go To Sleep
Ever since I was a wee lad, I’ve always had really vivid dreams. On occasion, this translates into really vivid nightmares, which sucks mightily. Usually, though, it just means I’m going to have a good story to tell come the dawn. Well, that is, until I found out I had sleep apnea. Turns out, one of the side effects of stopping to take a break during sleep to not breathe every few minutes is that you never really leave REM sleep — causing incredibly vivid dreams. Getting a machine to help with that provides me with a lot more energy during the day, but I only get a tiny fraction of the WTF I used to reap each night. This week, however, my sinuses have decided to clog up everything, making it really hard for my machine to blow air down my throat to keep me breathing normally. And that meant it was SHOWTIME.
Review: “Marvel Heroic Roleplaying”
Marvel Heroic Roleplaying is a narrative game with a superficially simple dice pool mechanic. The gameplay choices brought on by the pools and their interactions can go quite a bit deeper than is immediately obvious. However, It took me a while to get the hang of it. The first few chapters lay out the dice system and all the trappings, but on a first read, you might find yourself bombarded with terminology.
Learning to Play “Marvel Heroic Roleplaying”
Marvel Heroic Roleplaying has a lot to absorb all at once. Teach the basics, then throw them straight into the action.
Castle Death! A Dead Simple RPG for Kids and Parents, Part 1
In which Chatty and Nico get ready to play a a Kid friendly RPG they co-develop as they play it. Beware of Castle Death!
It’s OK To Talk To Yourself, As Long As Someone Answers
I’ve been playing a lot of Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning lately. I’m convinced the entire game is nothing but a plot by R.A. Salvatore to convince the world that faeries aren’t actually lame after all. The jury is still out. At the very least, the Summer Fae in the game give me a headache with their stubbornness, their cryptic words and their being “stuck in time in a condescending way”. To be honest, they remind me of a lot of certain people that used to call in when I was still doing Internet tech support. That being said, I find myself trying to put myself in their shoes. Maybe it’s because I find people less annoying when I empathize with them. Everyone has their own unique point of view. Even if it’s annoying.
Review: “Deathwatch: Mark of the Xenos”
Like a Krootox rampaging across your gaming table comes Mark of the Xenos for Deathwatch. Mark of the Xenos is a “monster book” for Deathwatch, containing all the creatures found in Jericho Reach, giving the Achillus Crusade a hard time.
More Than Openness: Designing in Public
One of the distinctions that I missed in my last article is that openness doesn’t necessarily have to be inviting. It just leave the door open. Doing something in public combines openness with a call to the public to look at what you’re doing.
Collateral Damage Issue #1: Electric Ninja Boogaloo, Part 2
Join us dear readers in a thrill ride where dangers and catastrophe are a dime a dozen. Witness the birth of a new Superhero team in the heart of the City of Angels. Collateral Damage is here to stay! Take a special behind-the-scenes tour here and don’t miss Part 1 of this exciting new series! Excelsior!
10 Epic-Level Problems Nobody Thinks About
Everybody thinks being powerful enough to slap-fight the gods themselves would be completely awesome. There’s a reason epic-level D&D breaks down. Actually, there are ten. And NONE OF YOU have thought of ANY of them. Unless you’re future epic-level me. In which case, you probably have.
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