I decided to dig into my PDF library of RPGs and look at “The Magus”. I had bought it last year during a Twitter-driven “Sell me an amazing Indie RPG” thread but I hadn’t gotten to reading it yet. All I remembered was that it looked gorgeous.
Hope in the Dark Heart of Evil is Not a Plan
Playing my typical day-to-day as a game didn’t feel like much fun. But, I thought, if I made Hope is Not a Plan a Dungeonomics story, maybe something darkly funny would emerge.
The Infinity Current: Adventure 0
As a bonafide grownup for more than a decade after finishing law school, I’ve had the good fortune of a weekly gaming group that entire time. That is, until the Coronavirus.
“The Eversink Post Office” – An Unofficial Supplement for Swords of the Serpentine
The insatiable need for commerce drives an insatiable need for the news. From Eversink back alley gossip circles to the rarified circle of the Triskadane, everyone needs to know what’s going on everywhere, all the time. Often, whoever lays hands on the news first, wins.
13th Age: Indexing Truths
Whenever I have a short pause in in what I’m doing at my desk, I reach out for the little pile of index cards called “The Horizon Consipracy” and add new cards to it.
The Horizon Conspiracy
Then a question came to me: “Which icon is going to run interference in this scheme?” and asked for a final d12 roll and came up with “The Diabolist”
How to Create Your Own Country for Tax Reasons
An arcology is a portmanteau of “architecture” and “ecology.” The original architectural vision for an arcology was an ecologically neutral, self-powering, self-feeding, and self-sufficient enclosed system.
How to Start a Sand War
What are microprocessors made from? Transistors. What are transistors made from? Sand.
Kickstarter to Watch: The Level Up
The Level Up is a custom, lightweight platform that helps add a second level to your tabletop for board games & tabletop RPGs (or any game that can take up a lot of table space, really).
The Fully Immersive Internet: Experience Influencers in the VR Future
The Rig was a highly classified military appliance used in training Special Forces. The Rig provided a perfect facsimile of the experience without having to send a trainee into danger.
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