I got into the multiplayer beta the way most people did: by purchasing Crackdown (a very fun game I might add). While there was a little hitch on the initial day of download I was very impressed by the download rate when everything was fixed and up and running. There is no intro movie, however, […]
Comic Snap Reviews 5-18-07
You know the drill: some spoilers ahead.
Review: They Might Be Giants, "The Else"
Those of you who know me well know that I’m a diehard They Might Be Giants fan. I’ve been to more than 10 of their concerts. I own all their albums, plus whatever EPs I could get my hands on, plus all their DVDs, and a few assorted t-shirts and a hat. (I also used […]
Comic Snap Reviews 5-11-07
Now, some reviews of some comics you have to pay for! Spoilers ahead!
Comics Snap Reviews FCBD (and beyond) 2007
Sorry for the hiatus caused by school, hope to get back on track of these. What better way then to review the Free Comic Book Day offerings? Sadly, I only managed to get my hands on physical copies of a few of these, and it seems to be difficult to get free comic book day […]
Bonus Inq. of the Week: Spiderman 3 Threat or Menace?
Discuss what you did and did not like in this SPOILER thread!
Spiderman 3: The Verdict?
I’m going to keep this short and relatively vague so as to not ruin anything for everyone who has not seen Spiderman 3 yet. The gist: Spiderman 3 is a good movie, with some very terrible parts to it. I still recommend going to see it, inevitably most of you would do so no matter […]
Jurassic Park 3 Island Survival Game: A Review
The Big Picture: Jurrasic Park 3 Island Survival Game is a board game produced by Hasbro based on the movie of the same name. Many board games based off of movies tend to be poorly designed, with the intent to sell copies based off of the title and not from the game-play. Hence, many board […]
Review: Hot Fuzz (2007)
There’s a small change of pace this week in the Librarian’s Tome section. Instead of a book review, I’ve wandered into the film section of the library (not completely of my own free will, as I still prefer books, but spouses can be persuasive) and present to you Librarian’s Tome: Film Edition. Title: Hot Fuzz […]
Boardgame Snap Reviews: Gathering of Friends 2007
So, I’m back, and some of you may be looking for recommendations on new boardgames. Well, in typical Snap Review fashion, here’s my quick impressions of nearly everything I played. I have excluded prototypes, tournaments, and my own games from this list. If you want me to elaborate more on what any of these games […]
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