Title: The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay Author: Michael Chabon Year of Publication: 2000 Genre: Fiction Length: 656 Rating: 4/5 – Worth paying full price. I was first clued in to the existence of “The Escapist” via a limited comic series written by Brian K. Vaughn. The story was good, but I knew I […]
Review: The Bourne Ultimatum
This weekend I had a chance to see the final movie of the Matt Damon is a Badass trilogy, better known as The Bourne Ultimatum. I am unexplainably compelled to watch trilogies, and I was no different with respect to Bourne. Here is a relatively spoiler-free review of this movie. In the final chapter of […]
Got Sunshine?
All hell has apparently broken out at Critical Hits, because a food blogger is posting… I contacted Das Game last week after returning from a late opening night showing of Sunshine begging to be allowed to post my thoughts on the film and with his just and merciful hand has allowed me to do so, […]
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (No Book 7 Spoilers)
For everyone traumatized by the recent ending of another era-defining work, The Sopranos, the anti-Sopranos ending of Harry Potter will be sure to satisfy you. It ends, and it ends definitively, and in my mind satisfactorily (though I was satisfied with The Sopranos as well). In the minds of fans, this book’s primary function is […]
Origins Report: "The Gamers: Dorkness Rising" and "Geekin'"
Overhead at Origins: “Would you seriously attack 2 battleships with a bomber and a carrier?” “You have died of dysentery.” -Said by someone in a game where everyone points guns at each other. “You look halfway competent. Can you tie this up?” -Said by a man in a chicken costume to a con employee. “Have […]
Roll Out: A Transformers Review
I loved Transformers. There, I said it, and a spoiler-free review follows… Plot: A reasonably plausible series of events (considering the arrival of Extra-Terrestrial Non-Biological Beings) occur. Sure, there are some robots (I’m looking at you Frenzy) and some characters (Hackers?) and some events (nerd recluse with grandma, didn’t that ALSO happen in Live Free […]
Comic Snap Reviews 06-29-07
Hits, Mehs, or Misses, and spoilers galore, as per usual.
Review: Tales of the Arabian Nights
Tales of the Arabian Nights (hereafter refered to just as Tales) was originally published in 1985 here in the US. It was reprinted recently in Germany as Geschichten aus 1001 Nacht. Tales is one of the most famous of the “paragraph games”. A paragraph game, essentially, is multi-player choose your own adventure. The similarities are […]
Shiver me Timbers, Pirates be a Hit!
The newest hyped movie to hit the theatres is Disney’s Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End. This movie is the third installment in the series and features all the prominent cast members from the first two films. Pirates is predicted to rival the record setting box office numbers made by Spiderman 3 just a […]
Heroes and 24 End Seasons on Vastly Different Notes
Now that a few days have gone by since their conclusions on Monday night, let us reflect back on the season for two of the best shows on television. NBC’s Heroes and Fox’s 24 are in direct competition with each other, as they both air Monday nights at 9:00pm EST. Before we ask the question […]
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