Synopsis: Soul Calibur IV maintains the core gameplay of the Soul Calibur series and features a fun (if unintuitive) character creation system, but misses out on a number of features that would have improved the title overall. Notes: This review is from a free review copy of the Xbox 360 version. Gameplay: The fighting and […]
YouTube of the Week: Let me tell you about my dire shark game Edition
Hey, this board game that the esteemed Tom Vasel reviews here sounds pretty good, and it’s about a shark the size of a person chasing and biting limbs. How’s that for a coincidence that this game would have a video review posted during Dire Shark Week?
Review: “Treasure of Talon Pass”
Synopsis: “Treasure of Talon Pass” is a an adventure for 4e D&D designed to take 2nd level characters to 3rd level. It is a fairly typical dungeon crawl that works well enough but also does not take advantage of environments and non-combat elements enough to make it more interesting than a string of combats. Production: […]
Review: Braid
In short: Braid is an excellent game. It successfully integrates all aspects of game making into one cohesive unit with a mature theme. Even with the $15 price tag, it is worth downloading. I read a bit about a game called Braid on Penny Arcade the other day. I tend to agree with Tycho about […]
Review: Alone in the Dark
So about a week and a half ago The Game received a review copy of Alone In the Dark, a somewhat new game from Atari and Eden Games released June 24th. A PS3 port is to come later, possibly September. The demo is being released pretty soon if not already. Alone in the Dark is […]
The World Ends With You
OR: Final Fantasy DJ The World Ends With You proves yet another great game from monolithical Square Enix, who bring us the Final Fantasy games, quintessential playing for role-playing games (RPG). TWE brings a hip-hop attitude to a group of dead kids who need to pass a series of trials in some alternate universe in […]
Report Card: Space Marine Units (Part 3)
And now for the third and final installment of my analysis of every unit in Codex: Space Marines. The first part contains the overview and my grades for HQ, Troops and Transports. The second part contains my grades for Elites and Fast Attack. This final part contains my grades for Heavy Support and Ultramarines Special […]
Report Card: Space Marine Units (Part 2)
This is part 2 of my examination into the units in the 4th edition Codex Space Marines. This part features the Elites and Fast Attack sections of the force organization chart. For the overview of what all of this means, see the original article. Therein you will find my analysis of the HQ, Troops and […]
Report Card: Space Marine Units (Part 1)
With Warhammer 40k entering its 5th edition as of this past Friday, one chapter of the game’s history comes to an end, while another begins. As I thought about the past edition I decided it would be good to take one last look at all of the units in the Space Marine Codex. There are always […]
Campaign Wrap-Up: Recaps, Obsidian Portal Wikis, and General Thoughts
Last Sunday, I finished the D&D 3.5 campaign that I had been running since last August. The game ran on roughly an every other week schedule. I started with 6 players, added one more player for a few weeks, and had a regular guest PC whenever The O was in town. There were a few […]
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