While at GenCon this year I got to sit down and play a preview game of the new Magic the Gathering variation called Planechase that Wizards of the Coast is releasing September 4th. Like MtG except there is always one plane in play that drastically changes one or more aspects of the game.
Review: “Dragon Magazine Annual”
When WotC announced that the venerable Dragon and Dungeon magazines were becoming digital-only offerings, the reaction was controversial. The magazines are only available in PDF, and to subscribers of the D&D Insider service. There is still no way to get the magazines without a subscription to the whole package of DDI. Not too long after the details shook out it was revealed that some of the content would be reprinted in Annuals. Dragon Magazine Annual is the first of these collections.
Review: “Adventurer’s Vault 2”
The second arms and equipment resource book, Adventurer’s Vault 2 is much like the first installment but this time presenting a myriad of items for (as the cover says) ALL character classes. This book begins to fill out some of the under represented classes such as the Swordmage and most of the PHB2 classes that missed out on the items in the first Player’s Handbook and Adventurer’s Vault.
Monster Manual 2 – In Depth #4
Continuing a series of posts I did in May, I take a more in depth look at each monster entry in the 4th Edition Monster Manual 2!
Quick Review: Adventure Art – Issue #1
Mythic Design has released a new product called Adventure Art in a series of issues, with the subtitle “Professional Artwork for Use in Your Roleplaying Games”. They were kind enough to provide us with the first issue which is for May/June 2009, which is a nice looking collection of artwork from the archives of AvatarArt.com. […]
Hands On: Monster Builder Beta
The Monster Builder was released today to DDI subscribers, allowing us to build our own monsters for 4e. Of course, we could already do that… through Asmor’s Monster Maker, the Dungeonmastering Tools, or WotC’s own bonus tools utility. So what does the new software bring to the table?
Review: “Eberron Campaign Guide”
The DM companion book to the Eberron Player’s Guide, the Eberron Campaign Guide presents all of the information a DM could need to run a 4th Edition D&D game in the unique and interesting fantasy world of Eberron. Unlike the Player’s Guide, this is a book that mostly only DMs who want to run a game in Eberron are going to want to buy.
Two Words to Convince You to Buy Kobold Quarterly #10
Gelantinous Cubes. We don’t have to tell you that Kobold Quarterly is great, or that it’s been nominated for 3 Ennies (though it’s going down in the Best Website category!), or that it includes tons of material for both 3.5 players (with a preview of Pathfinder) and 4e player. We don’t have to tell you […]
Review: “Divine Power”
Divine Power is the latest sourcebook for the 4th Edition of Dungeons & Dragons that includes new options for the Avenger, Cleric, Invoker, and Paladin classes. Each class gets a new build along with a ton of new powers, paragon paths, feats, and epic destinies. If you or one of your players is enjoying playing a divine class then this book is definitely a must have, but there are actually a surprising number of features that other players and DMs will want to borrow your copy to read as well!
Product Tie-in Video Games 101: A Lesson in Love and Paychecks
Today we’re going to be discussing one of the biggest money makers for video game studios; Product Tie-ins. They are something that we’ve been accustomed to in video games, and all can form a general consensus when we hear their name said. From E.T. to Chronicles of Riddick, video games based on movies have been around for most of your brief gaming lives. When did they start? Were they always bland and overpriced?
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