Announcing: Gamma World Guide, the Grand Unified Junk Table, the Junkulator random ancient junk generator, and an accompanying article by Jared von Hindman of Head Injury Theater.
Interview with Rich Marflak, Winner of the First RPGA Open Tournament in 1981
An interview with Rich Marflak, the winner of the first RPGA Open tournament at GenCon in 1981.
Critical Bits for the week ending 2010-11-28
RT @baldmangames: D&D Experience 2011 pre-reg goes live (finally – ya I know) # From the Archives:: Critical Hits Gift Guide #3 Games #charchive # RT @gamefiend: Achievement Unlocked: Build Achievement System in 4e #dnd : # RT @gregbilsland: Combining Themes & Backgrounds: # .@bartoneus reviewed the "Legend of the 5 […]
Preview: Dungeons & Dragons Virtual Table
What they’ve come up with is a pretty solid product with some extra specific to D&D touches that I haven’t seen so smoothly integrated elsewhere, which gives me hope for this product. There’s still a few key features I would love to see (which I’ll get into) but it’s a great start, and totally useable right out of the gate.
Critical Bits for the week ending 2010-11-21
New web-based Character Builder is up, but loading very slowly: # New Character Builder known issues list and user bug reporting: # RT @davebernazzani: Congratulations to Lady Blackbird for the 2010 RPG GoldenGeek for Best Free Game! # You could win a signed Dark Sun Campaign Guide and Creature Catalog from @ChrisSSims […]
Critical Bits for the week ending 2010-11-14
BGG Users: Enter the Hey Waiter! contest for a chance to win a free copy of the game: # Class Consciousness by @rjschwalb # Creating an API – First Steps from @obsidianportal Some interesting possibilities… # From the Archives:: DM Chronicles, Session 3: Of Pools and Crashes #charchive # RT @rdonoghue: […]
Introducing: Roll, the Critical Hits Tumblog
Sometimes we want to toss out a quick idea. Sometimes we want to post pictures from our home games. Sometimes, we don’t have enough to say about a product to warrant a full, multi-paragraph review. Sometimes, we have something to say that’s more than 140 charactersbut fewer than 3 paragraphs. Sometimes, we want to write lazy posts. That’s where the Roll! blog comes in. And it’s also where YOU come in.
Critical Bits for the week ending 2010-11-07
RT @newbiedm: New Post: "Play rpgKids and give to St. Jude's Children's Hospital" # Award-winning interactive fiction designer @zarfeblong has launched a kickstarter for his ambitious IF iPhone app: # RPG Golden Geek finalist shortlist has been posted, winners to be announced November 17th. # From the Archives:: Comic's most enduring character […]
Support the Bagram Air Force Base Gaming Community
Jason over at The Action Point blog has been deployed over in Afghanistan at the Bagram Air Force Base. He’s setting up gaming for the troops, but he’s run into a problem: they don’t have enough stuff. While they’re getting official support in the form of Encounters, they can still use the essentials: dice, books, minis, maps, etc.
Character Builder: The Next Generation
Wizards of the Coast announced today that the new version of Character Builder will be released on 11/16. As has been previously rumored, the new version is web-based, and will support Essentials and Dark Sun characters, which the previous version was not updated to do. The old, downloadable version will still work, but will not receive any further updates. Monster Builder (and other web-based tools) are to follow later. The FAQ on the character builder goes over some of the issues as well, and below is some of my take on the whole thing.
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