There’s a new article up on the D&D website, available to everyone, about alternate uses for Fortune Cards. The article was written by Sarah Darkmagic, Greywulf, Tim Brannan, and oh yeah, me.
Critical Bits for the week ending 2011-04-24
From the Archives:: Tales of Draconis, Part 3 #charchive # RT @SlyFlourish: My first Monster Makeover article, Shademaw(lvl26 black dragon), just got published to the #dnd website! #
Critical Bits for the week ending 2011-04-17
Do: Pilgrims of the Flying Temple – A Storytelling Game by @DanielSolis influenced by Avatar: The Last Airbender # From the Archives:: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (No Book 7 Spoilers) #charchive # RT @WyattSalazar: Get the revised and improved High Score here: Hope you playtest and enjoy! # RT @AAGAD_GAMA: […]
Critical Bits for the week ending 2011-04-10
From the Archives:: Turtle Power! #charchive # RT @ReinerKnizia: My new web page 'Knizia Mobile' has just gone live. Have a look! # RT @WyattSalazar: High Score! A lightweight, unique and flexible RPG. Only 24 pages. Ex. character: # RT @SlyFlourish: Getting Published in Gaming Panel with @davethegame @matt_james_rpg and I: […]
Syn-Duh-Con: A Review, A Takeaway, A Lengthy Blather
I wasn’t supposed to go to SynDCon this year, as I had already attended my annual gaming convention, TempleCon, had a great pile of fun, and didn’t want to push my luck or spend piles of money I didn’t technically have. However, two weeks before it started, a DM I know from sent out a global alert/invite/threat saying he’d be going and would love to see everyone in his address book there. I thought about it for approximately 11 seconds and then fired off a text message to my best friend Dave in Rhode Island and said, “Gaming? Convention? Rockville? Maryland? Yes?” He was supposed to say, “Don’t be an idiot,” and then list hundreds of reasons why it’s a terrible idea. Instead, he agreed to be an idiot with me, and even bring along his son Mason, and suddenly the three of us were signed up for SynDCon.
Critical Bits for the week ending 2011-04-03
From the Archives:: Friday Chat: The Issue(s) of Combat length in D&D 4e #charchive # Dave's Mapper tool to randomly generate maps from a variety of map tiles artists. # icv2 lists top 5 RPGs of Q4 2010: D&D, Pathfinder, DarkHeresy/RogueTrader/Deathwatch, Dragon Age, Mutants & Masterminds # RT @rdonoghue: Today I share […]
Critical Bits for the week ending 2011-03-27
The Heart is Dark No More: Authentic Ghosts. – So I talk about a ‘Mythic Africa’ and it is all light and… # Announced today by @gnomestew: "Masks: 1,000 Characters to Populate Your Worlds", a book of 1000 system-neutral NPCs. # RT @SlyFlourish: Looks like the new #dnd Monster Builder is up and […]
Interview with PAX East Champion Dungeon Master, Matt Brenner
In early March of 2011, at the PAX East gaming conference, Wizards of the Coast sponsored the second annual PAX East Dungeon Master’s Challenge. In the end Matt Brenner took away the prize and title as Champion Dungeon Master.
Critical Bits for the week ending 2011-03-20
From the Archives:: Primal/Within: Showdown at the Castle of the Overmind, Part 2 #charchive # RT @deadorcs: Now THIS is how I want to play Castle Ravenloft: # Press Release: "Cubicle 7 Outlines Plans for Lord of the Rings™ RPG" – Received this over the weekend while… # Chatty's "Keep me away […]
Pax East 2011: House Rules and Stealing from Other Games in RPGs
Most Game Masters do it. Hacking your favourite RPG is as old as the hobby itself. However, one can often get bogged down with rules that defeat their intent and make the game less fun. Others have so many house rules that players and master alike get confused and lose sense of what game they’re playing.
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