For the fourth year in a row, Drunken Dungeon & Dragons is coming to Gen Con. And you can come eat and drink with the players and watch the game.
Critical Bits for the week ending 2011-07-24
From the Archives:: Give Feedback to your GM… and live! Part 1. #charchive # Mordenkainen's Magnificent Emporium to only be released to hobby and game stores and not to big box outlets # RT @AdamantEnt: Buckaroo Banzai Adventure Game: Coming in Spring 2012 from Adamant. Announcement: # Blood Bowl: Team Manager card […]
Scotty’s Brewpub: Gaming, Grog, Grub, and Good Times for Gen Con
There’s a lot going on at Scotty’s during Gen Con. The short, take away is JUST GO, you’ll have fun. That’s enough if this looks like it’s going to be a TL;DR for you.
Critical Bits for the week ending 2011-07-17
From the Archives:: Tales of the City Within, Session 2, Part 1 #charchive # "Deities!" — An Album About Love and Dungeons & Dragons, a Kickstarter to fund a new musical album about #dnd # RT @3d6band: Speaking of albums about #dnd # RT @geeksdreamgirl: New Article: Calling all Freelancers! Adventure to […]
Ennie Award Voting Opens: Shameless Begging Begins
This is our third year of being nominated (2009 for Best Website, 2010 for Best Blog when it was a new category, and this year for Best Blog.) We’ve also been honored to have The Dungeon Master Guys podcast nominated for Best Podcast and would appreciate that to.
2011 Ennies Nominations Announced
On Friday, the nominations for the 2011 Ennie Awards were announced. For the third year in a row, Critical Hits has been nominated (in 2009 for best website and 2010 for best blog), and I’m honored to add both 2011 best blog to the list, as well as a nomination for best podcast for the Dungeon Master Guys.
Critical Bits for the week ending 2011-07-10
From the Archives:: Movie Review: Cloverfield #charchive # “@ENnies: Announcing the 2011 #ENnie Nominations!” #
Critical Bits for the week ending 2011-07-03
From the Archives:: Antagonistic Viziers and Fleeing Pickpockets #charchive # RT @boardgamegeek: Congrats to Qwirkle for winning 2011 SdJ, and to 7 Wonders for winning Kennerspiel des Jahres- # Slight corrections made to 2011 Origins Awards Winners post, also added photo of Evil Hat Productions crew by @Jamie1km # The Death and […]
2011 Origins Report
Another Origins has come and gone, and as always, there were plenty of games. Here are a few that stood out, both old and new.
Critical Bits for the week ending 2011-06-26
From the Archives:: A 600 lb. Gorrilla #charchive # RT @matt_james_rpg: Slavicsek to leave #WotC #dnd #rpg # Live tweeting the 2011 Origins Awards winners to begin soon. Thanks to @rolling20s for use of his connection. # Origins Award for Traditional Card Game: BACK TO THE FUTURE by @LooneyLabs # Origins Award for […]
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