Thanks for letting us know who you are! Not only do we like to attach the people to the online personas, but those of you who tell us what you like to read and what you don’t really help us determine what to write. Now that con season is over, it may be more difficult […]
Inq. of the Week: It’s All About You? 2008
I planned this quite unintentionally, but precisely a year ago I posted an Inquisition asking our readers to introduce themselves in the comments. I did this because 4th Edition D&D had just been announced and we really wanted the poll to run for two weeks so we could gauge everyone’s opinion a little better, so […]
Inq. of the Week: YouTube of the Year?
Sorry for the delay, between site issues (which unfortunately might not be solved yet) and our massive GenCon coverage, i was delayed in announcing the nominees for YouTube of the Year! Doing a YouTube every week is what really knocked me into doing a schedule for Critical Hits and (I think) a key part of […]
Inq. of the Week: GenCon?/YouTube of the Year Nominations
How much do we like to fight in our RPGs? 43% of you enjoy half your time being taken up with kicking butt, whereas closely behind 40% of you like the majority of your game to be hack and slash. Only 1% of you enjoy no-combat games. This probably reflects our audience more than it […]
Inq. of the Week: Dungeon Crawls?
I’d begun to notice a distinct lack of D&D posts here lately, which was partially orchestrated and partially just because a lot of other news and thoughts came up here, so last week I ventured to ask who would win in a super big monster brawl. It looks like we have a tie!!! The one […]
Inq. of the Week: Monster Brawl
The Dark Knight dominated its second weekend, but who is surprised by that with competition like the way late X-Files movie sequel and Will Ferrell’s latest movie Step Brothers? It raked in $75 million on its second weekend, which is very impressive and left the second place movie way behind at $30 million. Last week […]
Inq. of the Week: Why So Serious?
This Friday is the day many of us have been waiting for since we saw the last 10 minutes of Batman Begins, back in 2005. At that point it had been exactly 10 years since any real effort was put towards bringing the caped crusader to the big screen, and even those results were questionable. […]
Inquisition of the Week: Podcasting?
Last week, we thought we’d update our records on what type of games everyone out there likes to play. Perhaps unsurprisingly, RPGs came out on top with 71% of those voting saying they play those. However, I was surprised that computer video games were next at 46%, beating out consoles at 35%. I anticipated more […]
Inq. of the Week: Types of Games
Last week we held the poll to determine the winner of our Gaming Quote Contest, the results are in and the winner is: Player: “What did you say about foreplay and fornication?” DM: “I said it was FULL PLATE of FORTIFICATION.” Congratulations Happy Turtle! We will be in touch shortly. Thanks to everyone who contributed […]
Inquisition of the Week: Gaming Quote Finalists
Two weeks ago, we asked what your favorite version of D&D is. Among those who have come to our site and voted, 44% chose the brand-spanking new 4th edition. Following behind is 3.5 (and associated branches) at 30%. 2e was third at 9%, with 3.0 being last (behind the non-D&D players.) Very interesting stuff- while […]
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