Well voting for the ENnies closed over the weekend, first and foremost I’d like to extend our thanks and appreciation to everyone who voted for us! No matter what you ranked our site compared to the others, they all help and hopefully we will be pleasantly surprised at the ceremony during GenCon.
Inq. of the Week: Sources of Power?
Just before the Player’s Handbook 2 was released back in March I wrote an inquisition asking which power source people most wanted to see in the PHB3, the source that won the poll was psionics so it seems the PHB3 is shaping up to meet a lot of expectations already but unfortunately shortly afterward we discovered that WotC has abandoned the Ki power source concept which came in second in the poll.
Inq. of the Week: You Got Science in my Fantasy
We heard a lot of complaints that psionics just don’t fit with the D&D milieu. Even for a die hard fan such as myself, it can be hard to justify mental powers (that in other media are often linked to “the next stage of evolution” and other scientific/pseudo-scientific concepts) as part of the D&D world. Dark Sun was a world custom built for psionics, as all the other alternatives for fantastic powers had some issues.
Inq. of the Week: How Caffeinated?
We’ve had a lot of Origins 2009 coverage over the last week, and on Saturday celebrating the 4th of July Dave and I realized that GenCon is only a few weeks away. This realization makes me ponder what keeps me going through such hectic times, and more often than not the answer always comes back to caffeine. I’ve been a huge soda fiend since middle school, and even though my day job has stopped buying soda but still provides coffee, I just can’t bear switching over!
Inq. of the Week: Know Your Role
Only a short Inquisition this week, since I have lots more Origins goodness to send your way soon, including an epic recounting of our journey to victory over the Ultimate Dungeon Delve, another seminar by Monte Cook (this one about designing dungeons), a seminar about 4e villain design, and my recap of the show’s exhibit hall, along with a few very short podcasts that describe some of the cooler games from the show floor.
Inq. of the Week: Quinto vs. Quinto
A while back, over two years ago it seems, we had an epic showdown Inquisition between Ian McKellen and Ian McKellen…errr, I mean between Gandalf the White and Magneto! The mysterious White Wizard ending up kicking considerable ass in the poll, but it generated some interesting debate about who would actually win in a fight.
Inq. of the Week: Challenging Skills
The dragon found them flying through the skies aboard a flying Dwarven pirate airship and threatened to destroy the ship if they didn’t toss the heroes overboard. They found their powers mostly useless against the creature, and scrambled to improvise other alternatives aboard a the ship. Firing at the creature’s wings, ordering the pirates into a better sense of organization, searching the hold for something useful, and finally, firing a Deva riding a barrel of rum attached with a chain to an anchor at the dragon using twin ballistas.
Inq. of the Week: Opinions of E3 2009?
For the past week I’ve been hearing faint whispers around the edges of my radar about E3 going on, but it feels like this year everything is far more muted than it has been in previous years. The only thing that I’ve really heard a lot of excitement about is the new Star Wars: The Old Republic trailer, which does look extremely badass and the changes to the MMO style really intrigue me.
Inq. of the Week: One Year Later for 4e
Starting with the initial announcement at GenCon 2007, we polled reaction to the coming of a new system and found most to be cautiously optimistic. Then shortly after release, we polled about everyone’s favorite edition of D&D, which at the time showed a preference for 4e, and late voting has only increased that lead. It seems only natural to follow up with the following, after 1 year of release, the question on many minds…
Inq. of the Week: Age of Roleplaying?
This week I’ve been thinking about something that I don’t believe we have touched on yet, and that’s at what age people start playing RPGs. I’ve heard from quite a few people that are new to D&D with 4th edition from various ages, but even just yesterday I ran my D&D game with a player who had not played since 2nd edition many years ago and is now trying it out again.
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