Following older discussions about the differences between the Chronicles of Narnia and the Lord of the Rings book series, as well as a lot of the inevitable flak pertaining to the Left Behind RTS game, I ask you: Can Religion be a part of Games, Comics, and Movies?
Inquisition of the Week: Summer Movies
It’s September, and in many ways, summer is over. People are going back to school, the big holiday weekend is winding down (I spent most of it gaming), but now that we’ve seen it all and distanced it from the hype… What was your favorite summer movie? Nothing blew me away this summer, which is […]
Inquisition of the Week: Bosses!
This week’s question pertains mostly to videogames, but if your brain works in abstract ways yet unknown to mankind, you can most likely relate it to boardgames, tabletop RPG’s, or even a day at work in the office. The question is purposefully left very general, so that you can take it however you like. What […]
Inquisition of the Week :RPGing over the Internet?
School season is starting again, and our members are going to school all over the country. Surely that shouldn’t mean we still can’t play D&D together, right? Have you ever played a traditionally tabletop RPG online (using software like OpenRPG or Fantasy Grounds)? Does this interest you? Why or why not? Personally, while I’ve played […]
Inquisition of the Week: New Games
GenCon Indy is right around the corner, the biggest “adventure game” convention in America. Traditionally many new products are announced and launched there. Before we hear about the hot products of the next year, what game (of any type) that you’ve played for the first time in the past year do you like the best? […]
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