Our poll will continue through the week, asking you what you thought about the announcement of D&D 4th Edition, right now the majority seems to be cautiously optimistic which in my opinion is the best way to go. It definitely doesn’t hurt you to be hopeful about the product, and from what we’ve heard and […]
Inquisition of the Week: D&D 4e Reaction
Last week, we presented the nominations for Best YouTube of the Year, and had you select your favorites. And the winner is… COLLEGE SAGA! Congratulations to Mark Leung for creating such an awesome video and sharing it with the world. Second place went to the hilarious and oft-quoted 300 Rated PG. To those of you […]
Inquisition of the Week: YouTube Tuesday
Last week, with vacation on the brain, Bartoneus asked how you like to spend your vacation time. Most of you said that you would hibernate, which I suppose is cheaper than all the other options, unless you mean actually go somewhere to hibernate. Second place went to those of you who love roller coasters and […]
Inq. of the Week: Vacation
Last week’s awesome list of announcements from Comic-con definitely got me excited, and it looks like the announcement of new Futurama episodes is what gets the most of you going as well. The Dark Knight teaser was great to listen to but lacking in any sort of visual content other then the logo, and I […]
Inq. of the Week: Comic Con
Last week, we asked what you thought of a certain Boy Wizard, now that his tale has found an end. Edging out first place at the last minute are those of you who are so-so on both the books and movies. Second place were the superfans, which is pretty impressive. Over the weekend, Comic Con […]
Inq. of the Week: Boy Wizard?
Last week, we asked who your favorite comic publisher was. Just barely inching it out at the end was Marvel Comics (who really are doing some great stuff nowadays) over top the other of the big two, DC. I’m very surprised to see other indie publishers come in third. I’d like to get more into […]
Inq. of the Week: Comics
Dave asked everyone last week what you thought of Game Awards and it looks like the majority (26%) never even look at them, with the next largest group (23%) seeing awards sometimes but not caring who wins. I fall mostly into the latter group as I never really care much who has won the award, but […]
Inq. of the Week: Gaming Awards?
Last week, we tried to find out if any of you were as amused by some of the critiques of what we know of Fallout 3. The majority of people did not call me a moron, but only by a slim margin, as most of you picked that all the complains were reasonable. Second place […]
Inquisition of the Week: Ridiculous Critiques
As I write this, the results of last week’s poll are still in the air. Calling it now means that most of you said that you will see “more than meets the eye” on opening night, just narrowly edging out those who will wait for the following weekend. I’m very surprised to see so few […]
Inq. of the Week: Transformers?
When asked which Star Wars games you liked most, Knights of the Old Republic came out on top with 58% of the votes which is not entirely surprising but I was still a bit shocked as I had assumed one of the more classic games/series would pull ahead. The amazingly classic Tie-Fighter/X-Wing series came in second […]
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