Two weeks ago Dave asked about your views on Web-vertising and it looks like a large majority just tune out Google ads all together, a whopping 48% of you! Smaller groups found them sometimes handy but mostly unobtrusive or make effective use of sophisticated ad-blocking software to make sure that they are none-the-wiser to this […]
Inq. of the Week: Webvertising
Transformers! More than meets the eye. Transformers! Better than expected but still meh. Many of you felt it was pretty damn good too, so that sounds like a success overall. I watched it the night after the poll was posted, and found many, many flaws but was quite impressed by Shia LeBeouf. I can see […]
Inq. of the Week: You Review Transformers
With Dragons emerging bloodstained and well fed as the victors of our Ultimate Showdown, Dave decided to find out who you guys think is the most popular dragon. Trogdor the Burninator came out on top, with a very well deserved second going to the gem-encrusted Smaug from The Hobbit. There seemed to be some contention over Fin Fang […]
Inq. of the Week: Famous Dragons
Of course, the original Nintendo Entertainment System rules the day as most owned console, and indeed, the greatest. Playstation 2 came in second, with third being the original Playstation, and the Super Nintendo close behind. At the bottom end, nobody owned a Neo Geo (and you thought the PS3 was expensive.) Only one person admitted […]
Inq. of the Week: Consoling Gamers
Our Classic Game Trilogies Inquisition was a big hit with people being forced to make the tough choice between many of their favorite classic games. Coming in tied at first place with 24% each is the Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past and Super Mario Bros. 3. Second place rightfully goes to Final […]
Inq. of the Week: Classic Game Trilogies
So, how about that Halo 3, huh?… ::crickets:: Over 80% of you don’t own an Xbox 360, and won’t be picking one up to see what happens to the intrepid Master Chief and his supply of Mountain Dew. (No wonder Super-Soldiers were eliminated right away in the Real Ultimate Showdown.) At least 3 of you […]
Inq. of the Week: Halo 3
The most obvious choice for this week is to ask everyone about Halo 3, and whether you couldn’t care less or if you’re already waiting in line checking the site on a laptop or your iPhone! But first, let’s cover the results of Dave’s question about upcoming sci-fi shows premiering this week. The results are […]
Inq. of the Week: Science Fiction/Fantasy Fall Shows
Will the Playstation 3 make a come back? Survey says… no. The 360 and the Wii seem to have no sign of slowing down, and the PS3 is just too far behind to make a come back. Sony is still a big company with plenty of capital behind it, so I’d be surprised if the […]
Inq. of the Week: PlayStation 3
In a showdown of upcoming superhero movies, it looks like The Dark Knight and Watchmen come out on top, with the Batman sequel one full vote in the lead! The Incredible Hulk movie got absolutely NO love, despite the changes such as Ed Norton playing Bruce Banner, a new look for the cg hulk, and […]
Inq. of the Week: Tights and Spandex
Most of the CH crew spent the day partying at a cook out at my place- with plenty of games of course. Guitar Hero 2, Wario Ware, Wii Sports, Wii Play, Get Bit!, Celebrities, Squint, You Must Be an Idiot, and Mall of Horror all were played at some point during the party. But the […]
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