Though they may not be able to survive in-game, Bards received the most votes for being able to survive into the next edition. I voted for them, but I have to say I’m quite surprised. Druids and Monks were right there too, which probably means that all three of these classes have a unique flavor […]
Inq. of the Week: An Issue of Class
Apparently the thing most people want for Rock Band is to be able to have a Jam Mode where you can create, play, and share your own songs. “More Cowbell!” came in second, so I have no doubts there will be a cowbell mod for the microphone very soon (if there isn’t one already). We […]
Inq. of the Week: Are you Ready to Rock?
Good triumphant! That’s what last week’s poll about your favorite alignment determined, with a surprising 74 people thus far weighing in. Neutral Good was the top flavor of good, since most of you hero types believe that Good should not care about Law or Chaos. Second up was the champion of individuality and freedom, Chaotic […]
Inq. of the Week: Are You Not Entertained?
We had a gathering last night for the premiere of the new breed of American Gladiators (on NBC), and it was definitely two of the most entertaining hours of television I’ve ever experienced. Tonight there is at least one more episode on at 8pm, and we will definitely be posting a review / recap later […]
Inquisition of the Week: Best Game of 2007
We’re going to run the poll for another week to see if more people will come forward to defend the honor of 2007. Reverend Mike makes a great point that it might not be as good as we hoped with the Writer’s Strike messing up the movie and tv schedules. I should also point out […]
Inq. of the Week: 2007 vs. 2008
Last week, we asked if the winter months = more gaming. While most of you don’t change your gaming habits, there were plenty of you who said you game all the much more when there’s snow on the ground, whether it be from more time at home or just the lack of schoolwork. I myself […]
Inq. of the Week: 'Tis the Season
In Dave’s scandalous question from last week about everyone’s pirating habits we were not surprised to see that a lot of people do resort to downloading things online. Interesting enough there was a spike in the results where people download content online illegally specifically when it is not available through any other means, illustrating what […]
Inq. of the Week: Pirates Ahoy
As expected, To Hit Armor Class 0 is the best nerd rockband name ever as has been proven conclusively, and I didn’t even have to cheat. On our worldwide tour, Rock Into Mordor can open for us for coming in a respectable second. Various other band names (both real and imagined) all came in with […]
Inq. of the Week: Musical Nerds
We’re hopefully back to some semblance of our normal schedule here at Critical Hits, between our hosting going wonky, me having indefinite bouts of sucking, and Dave going through the layers of hell known as Graduate School / End of the Semester we have really fallen behind here. Oh, and the fact that Rock Band […]
Inq. of the Week: Best. Game. Ever.
I’ve decided to let last week’s poll on what kind of games you play run for another week to try to get a few more responses in. It’s great to see that everybody that comes here plays some kind of games, and there are many (like myself and Wooglin) that play everything! “We do not […]
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