Last week, we determined what we already knew: Red Dragons Rule! (And there are many reasons why.) What was surprising was the furious battle for second place. The sleek Silvers edged out the majestic Golds and sinister Blacks. White dragons went a long time without a single vote (maybe because their breath weapon sucks), but […]
Inq. of the Week: Who’s your Dragon?
Inspired by our recent X-Box LANfest, Dave asked everyone what they would do in the event of a Zombie Attack / infestation / outbreak / brunch. Mmmm, Zombie-brunch. 45% of you said you would gladly grab a weapon and start killing – everyone you ever knew, loved, or cared about – because really they’re trying […]
Inq. of the Week: All We Want To Do Is Eat Your Brains
Last week’s poll was quite informative and surprising! First, I learned that no one under the age of 16 reads our site, so I can swear more! Hell damn fart! Secondly, the bulk of our audience is between 31 and 40 weighing at 40%, with 20-25 at 24%, 26-30 at 21%, over 41 at 9%, […]
Inq. of the Mid-Week: The Golden Age
Woops! Apparently Monday came and went while I was lost somewhere within the house, and so I bring you a mid-week Inquisition. The 3 people that voted in last week’s poll since Monday, you’re welcome! Last week’s involved Dave’s rampant reading of excellent webcomics and making terrible family-puns, where he asked which of the classic […]
Inq. of the Week: Smashing Characters
Last week, asking about your systems operation, 77% of you responded that you use Windows… somewhere. The Mighty Mac came in second with 29%, and Loquacious Linux running in third with 20%. There was one lone “Other” vote, which I’m hoping was something exciting like a robot running his own Asimov-based operating system who is […]
Inq. of the Week: Systems Operational
Dave’s poll from last week asked what size of dice you prefer, the d20 came in at a huge 29% with the rare and exotic d12 in a surprising second with 27%. The entire spread is actually in descending order with the d10 at 18%, d8 at 12%, d6 at 5%, and d4 at 5% […]
Inq. of the Week: Ask the D&D Designers
86% of you are looking forward to seeing my man, The Batman, return to the big screen. 81% of you are looking forward to our favorite whip-wielding, snake-fearing Archaeologist returning for another adventure. Sorry Wachowski Brothers, only 14% of our readers are going to take a ride on the Mach 5, the lowest out of […]
Inq. of the Week: Summer Movies ’08
Who would have thought that in such a innuendo laden poll that Portable Hole would be the most popular choice? Thankfully the Rod of Splendor and Holy Avenger tied at second place, but I was still very surprised that the ever vigilant Immovable Rod didn’t attract more people. This week we’re all pretty excited after seeing the new […]
Inq. of the Week: Save vs. Rod/Staff/Wand
Just like me, 38% of you will be starting a new campaign when D&D fourth edition comes out. 24% people are going to stay with 3.5, though not necessarily for reasons that are anti-4e. Those who don’t play D&D and those who will do whatever the DM decides (including several of the players in my […]
Inq. of the Week: Edition to the Fourth
It just goes to show you, if Dave puts up a picture of a giant squid most of the people are going to vote for that entry! Kraken/Giant Squid pulled out the win as most popular aquatic menace, beating out the great old Cthulhu and Dagon. I am personally amazed that the Giant Lobster (sticks […]
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