So far, we have nearly 200 votes in last week’s poll about what your favorite edition of D&D is. Currently, 4e is in the lead, with 3.5 possessing a pretty strong second, and every other option getting some love (even 3.0!) We’re going to let the poll run another week. For this week, we’ve got […]
Inq. of the Week: Which Edition?
Just over a week ago Dave wrapped up his 18 Adventure long, and final, D&D 3.5 Campaign with a definitively epic finale. This inspired him to ask you all how many campaigns you’ve been in that have seen completion, to which a huge 30% of you voted that you’ve never had a campaign finish, or been […]
Inq. of the Week: Campaign to a Close
Last week, the question was asked, and you answered: 64% use the wheel attachment when playing Mario Kart, while 36% use some other form of control to guide Bowser off the edge of the haunted house level. I haven’t gotten to play as much Mario Kart as I’d like, but the wheel is definitely my […]
Inq of the Week: Wii Wheel Rock You?
Oh, the pun hurts. Last week Dave asked everyone what their primary influences are in the Fantasy genre, and I’d say it’s no surprise at all that Tolkien Middle Earth and Lewis’ Narnia were the most common influence(77%). Next most influential were 70’s-90’s film, including Princess Bride, Labyrinth, Dark Crystal, and Willow with 44%, then […]
Inq. of the Week: Fantasy Influences
Last week, we wanted to know which side of the screen you preferred to be on. 54% are multiclassed player/GMs and enjoy both. Players-only was next with 25%, and 19% were power-hungry I mean GM only. Only 1 of you responded that you don’t play, which I suppose means we know our audience! Spinning out […]
Inq. of the Week: Play to the DM
Last monday, to wrap up our Unofficial Review Weekend, Dave’s poll asked which Nick Fury was the better Nick Fury, Sammy J or David Hasselhoff. An overwhelming majority of 76% thought that Samuel L. Jackson made a better Nick Fury, while 15% thought the Hoff was best (and more true to the original comic Fury), […]
Inq. of the Week: Fury vs. Fury
Over the weekend, we were fortunate enough to have not one, not two, not three, but FOUR quality reviews! TheMainEvent reviewed Iron Man Bartoneus reviewed GTA IV OriginalSultan reviewed Incan Gold ChattyDM reviewed Mario Kart Wii (thanks again for the guest post, and go check his site out! A must-read for RPGers!) Thus, I declared […]
Inq. of the Week: Multi-Classing
I thought that Dave’s musically inclined poll last week was great, because it’s one of those general questions that I probably would have never thought to ask. It looks like the most people prefer the alternative/indie/college rock genre (69%), which I find interesting when you consider that our age poll surprised us with more people […]
Inquisition of the Week: Musical Tastes
You have spoken that the Warlord is the class you are most looking forward to in fourth edition! If only there was a way for you to get a significant preview of what the Warlord will be like. Oh wait, there is! The Warlock came in second (either because it’s the other new class, or […]
Inq. of the Week: So Full of Class?
Okay so Dave managed to prove me wrong when I said it felt like a lot of people were getting tired of April Fool’s on the internet. The most people voted that some of the pranks are fun, but some are getting tired, while almost as many people said that they love how creative some […]
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