If this column takes more than an hour to load, then you will know what my earliest experiences with computer games were like. So I’ll take RPGs every time, whether they are home campaigns or organized-play offerings.
The PAX Report
Like all good things, PAX ended. Due to required nuptial witnessing, it ended on Saturday for me. Oh, I’m not bitter. In fact, I feel privileged that PAX is local. With all this good stuff happening before, during, and after the show, it’s sure to become one of my yearly rituals. Here are some high points of my trip to the show.
Tales of the Apocalypse Part 2, Reprisal at Ambush Hill
In which Chatty recounts his first Apocalypse world session right after character creation. A fight, an explosion, some threats and a love scene, just like in the movies!
Tales of Horror: D&D for TWEENS
Imagine a world in which the D&D you know and love is reimagined and marketed to tweens. Now look at this duck. Now look at me. Look at this double scoop of horror. WHAT DOES IT MEAN? Nothing. Now it is fear diamonds.
Tales of the Apocalypse: Part 1, Character Creation
A few weeks ago, I reviewed Vincent Baker’s Apocalypse World Role Playing Game and found it very well written and intriguing and enough to give it a few session’s worth of tries. I brought the whole crew back together and we sat down to create characters.
The Unneccesary Evil?
Without boxed text to rule an encounter, will anarchy reign? A continuation of the discussion of boxed text, in which Thomas Paine get invoked and a cockfight breaks out.
Minions on the Table
Monsters can lose a battle before it begins if they have bad tactical positions. This is even truer with minions. Even if we assume, narratively, that your minions have no way to know they’re little competition for the characters, the creatures have a reason to seize tactical advantages.
Toronto Fan Expo: The DM Master Class Seminar
One of the highlights of my visit at last weekend’s Toronto Fan Expo was the one hour panel I had the honour to share with RPG legends Ed Greenwood and Robin D. Laws. We ended up speaking to packed room of 100+ people. I was impressed!
Not Without My Beholder: A Mother’s Tale
I’ve spent the majority of my blogging career trying to figure out how to roleplay better. To get them emotionally invested in their characters. To make them feel and act as their character might. To dance into the danger zone where the dancer becomes the dance. I believe I have finally discovered the secret to doing so: The Lifetime Movie Network. All the positive karma the Gen Con Ball & Chain fiasco got me cries out for balance.
ALSO: Video of Roleplaying for the Severely Disturbed with StupidRanger.com from Gen Con!
Thinking Outside the Boxed Text
Boxed text is often the first interaction between the writer of an adventure and its players. It had better be good, or Brark the Grimlock Barbarian may have something to say about it.
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