In my quest to play as many different RPGs as I could before settling on new campaigns after the holidays, I finally got to play Fiasco last Friday. Here be the game report, part 1!
The Architect DM: World Building Basics
So far the Architect DM series has focused primarily on locations and building design, but today and over the next few weeks I’m going to take a look at the larger scale idea of world building and some factors that play into designing a realistic and believable world to play your games in. As with many of the design aspects I’ve talked about previously, designing a realistic world can feel like one of the most intimidating and daunting tasks to undertake but in reality if you apply principles correctly it can make your efforts easier and better at the same time.
Savage West, Session 1: The Riverboat Poker Heist, Rio Grande Burning
In which Chatty concludes his Savage tale of Savage Epicness in the Wild West of Savage Worlds. Will his PC be stuck in jail while his friends try to complete the caper without him?
Dancing Tentacles
I might not look it, but I’m pretty good at Dance Dance Revolution. I know this might seem unlikely, especially for those of you who have seen me. I’m 6’3”, 280 pounds, and as gangly and uncoordinated as they come. I very much think my parents rolled a 4 or 5 for my DEX score.
Interview with Rich Marflak, Winner of the First RPGA Open Tournament in 1981
An interview with Rich Marflak, the winner of the first RPGA Open tournament at GenCon in 1981.
Savage West, Session 1: The Riverboat Poker Heist, Of Marks and Busts
In which Chatty continues describing his Savage Worlds Wild West game where they start executing their complicated plans to steal the prize money of the Annual Rio Grande Riverboat Poker tournament.
The Gammarizer: Bringing Your Town to Gamma Terra
The Gammarizer is my attempt at a semi-random adventure generation tool for Gamma World. You start with a location all the players are familiar with (like your hometown) and then change it to fit into the post-apocalyptic setting of Gamma Terra, and in the process, generate an adventure on the fly. This method focuses on using the elements of a setting and altering it to connect to the origins of the PCs to give it that Gamma flavor and a personal connection.
Savage West, Session 1: The Riverboat Poker Heist, The Plan
In which Chatty starts discussing his first experience with Savage Worlds… as a player! Shortly after the American Civil War, the Wild West offers opportunities and riches to those bold enough to venture there… what will 4 lowly hustlers do there?
How To Stop A Bully
That news story about the little girl who got picked on for having a Star Wars bottle last week broke my heart. I was picked on mercilessly from pretty much the first day of school until I got my high school diploma. I don’t want that for my boy. This is, sadly, not an uncommon story for us geeks. What do we do?
One-Hour Game Design
A year ago, I went to Nanocon and made friends with the illustrious Richard Dansky. On Friday evening, we were a between commitments, and we were amused at the Dakota State University game design program’s promotional literature. We also stumbled on some loose dice and game pieces. We decided to make a game . . .
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