I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the things you miss when you run a roleplaying game instead of playing a character in it, and I’ve remembered something that I don’t think I’ve been giving enough of to my players: namely, the thrill of extracting a character you love from a dangerous situation. It’s the gift that keeps on threatening to kill you.
Vanir’s 2013 Gaming Resolutions
It’s that time again. The year is new, and the resolutions are flying. Let’s see how my Will save goes this year.
My Year in Gaming Kickstarters
As 2012 wraps up, I wanted to take a look at the Kickstarters I supported this year, and ultimately focusing on the games, particularly the RPGs, my most-supported category.
2012: A Good Year for Cooperative Gaming
This year has been a great one for new games of all kinds. As I look back at the ones I’ve put the most time into and been most excited about, I was surprised to pick up on a pattern: most of them are cooperative games. While cooperative games are often a mixed bag for me, this year has produced some that I’ve gotten lots of mileage out of. Presented here are five of my very favorites that I encourage you to check out.
Freelancer Chronicles: The Coast Wizards and I, Some Lessons.
In which Chatty shares is experiences as a Wizards of the Coast freelancer. The good and the bad. He shares many of the lessons he learned from his experiences should you want to give it a try.
Review: “The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey”
I swear I read The Hobbit as a kid. I remember finishing the last page and excitedly running to talk to my brother about it. I’d even seen the cartoon several times. Despite these memories, I walked into the movie knowing exactly three things: there were younger versions of characters I already knew in it, and also a dragon. (I was also pretty sure Gollum was in it somewhere, but that was just hearsay.) So it was that, yet again, I watch a Tolkien movie and everything is new to me.
This past week, our group completed the first major story arc of our campaign. It was awesome and a little sad, for several reasons. I knew this group and this story was about to change forever. I just didn’t know how until it was over.
Collateral Damage #5: The Glass Crusade
In which Chatty reveals the latest adventures of the West Coast’s most unlikely superheroes. This month’s session introduces a new multi-issue story arc that brings the heroes in a church where they get attacked by a very devout foe! Don’t miss it!
Preschool Christmas Improv Turtles
I’ve been waiting for this moment ever since I became a dad: I think my son’s Christmas presents are super cool and I can’t wait for him to open them so I can play with them. Don’t worry. I’ll give him a turn if he’s good.
When The DM Closes A Secret Door, He Opens A Pit Trap
Well, it’s finally happened. I’ve known for awhile that a few of my friends in our gaming group would be leaving at some point in the near(ish) future. That time has come. I haven’t quite worked out what’s going to happen between now and then, but there’s a fair chance I’m going to have to wrap up our campaign in two days’ time. I’ve planned for this. I’ve tried to steel myself for this. And yet, all I can think of is the last words of the tenth Doctor: “I don’t want to go!”. Forget about the words. I know I’m not the one leaving. Shut up.
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