My son was the ultimate trooper. He spent more than 3 hours in surgery because the Eye-Nose-Throat surgeon had to repair the more extensive than expected damage that the thing growing in his inner ear had done. The Good news, the growth is gone. The Bad News, the whole middle ear has been mostly destroyed. […]
Chatty’s Debates: Black Box vs Process-Response design
While pondering the darker reaches of a parent’s anxiety and trying to think of something else, I came upon a post by user Blackeagle on EnWorld’s board. It’s so good and it touches so many things I was thinking about 4e that I decided to repost it here. Instead of making a Chatty on 4e […]
False Spam Alerts
I just noticed that some comments get caught by my multi-leveled Spam filtering system (Mostly those with links)… Namely Felonius and Shadow145 lately. Just a quick note to tell you that should your comment be eaten up by my anti-spam system, just notify me on Gtalk (phil(dot)menard(at) or at and I’ll bring it back. […]
Taking a few days off.
My 6 year old son has a somewhat major surgery scheduled for this Friday. Nothing life threatening, but they have to take something in the bone behind his ear that’s not supposed to be there and that’s slowly making it deaf as it grows. Any parents reading this will understand that as excited as I […]
I, Demon: This is getting interesting…
This is my play session log of our re-started d20 World of Darkness game (written by Monte Cook and published late last year). I’m writing in character because it allows me to explore a more narrative writing style, but I’ll pepper it with Out of Character (OOC) comments on the actual game. The main thing […]
I, Demon: The Awakening
This series is going to be a diary-like re-telling of the d20 World of Darkness game I’ll be playing once a month. It’s going to be GMed by my buddy Franky. Way back when, we started the game but it was left aside for some time. We’re kick starting it again and this post is […]
Mike Mearl’s D&D 4e Elemental Evil Campaign
Recently Mike Mearls invited people to follow his 1st ‘for fun’ D&D 4e campaign. It’s very loosely based on Gary’s Temple of Elemental Evil, it gives a very good feel of what 4e will be about and it’s all played in one hour sessions. I don’t think reading this will change anyone’s idea on 4e […]
Ten Words to Victory, Winners and Runner Ups All Together!
Well it’s done, what started as a lunch-time idea exploded in the biggest thing we ever tackled here. With the help of fellow bloggers Dave The Game and Jeff Rients we whittled down 21 pages of entries filled with several hundreds of 10 word adventure concepts. As indicated, the entries were so numerous and so […]
Help him Rebrand Himself, Win a 4e Book
My buddy Bob Younce of The DMs Blog (at is trying to rebrand his blog to better reflect what it’s going to be about. He seeks help from the community and he’s offering a prize. I’d call him a copycat, if I wasn’t one myself with the 10 word adventure contest (Results out tonight!). […]
Chatty’s Review: D&D 4e’s Keep on the Shadowfell
As mentioned this morning, I was able to read a copy of D&D’s 1st 4e adventure, Keep on the Shadowfell, thanks to ZeStuff. Now it’s time for the review! Hurrah! I’ll take the spoiler-free approach (though I may slip a bit in places) as I guess that a lot of readers will want to play […]
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