Introduction (March 26th 5h00PM) Okay, here’s the thing. I’m short on time and my friends are coming over to play a 4e game using the new PHB2 classes tomorrow night. I’ll have time to work on it tomorrow but I’m throwing my thoughts here as ideas arrive. The party will be made of three 2nd […]
DM Chronicles, Session 12: Blind and Bloodied Dungeon Crawling, Part 2
See part 1 here. With two PCs either vaporized or teleported away to the gods knew where, the remaining 4 PCs (Fizban the Wizard, Naquist the Cleric, Bjerm the Fighter and Takeo the Warlord) entered the room hidden behind the black velvet curtains. They had their eyes firmly fixed on the wall ahead, were blindfolded […]
The Chatty Den Mother
It started as a Twitter discussion. While I was home with my recuperating son, I twittered as a joke that I could write a Stay at Home Mom blog. I jokingly called myself a Chatty Den Mother. Then some of my readers riffed on the concept, saying it would be some kind of Guardian monsters. The […]
DM Chronicles, Session 12: Blind and Bloodied Dungeon Crawling, Part 1
Previously in Chatty’s Game: Our heroes entered the Well of Demon. After dispatching some underdark predators, the party faced some gnolls and had no trouble dealing with them. They found the wayward Dire Boar they were looking for but were having trouble calming the pain-crazed creature that had been tortured by the sadistic gnolls. We […]
Robin Laws’ Revisited: Part 7, Running your Game
Way back when, I started a series of posts where I would review and comment on Robin D. Laws excellent GMing book called Robin’s Laws of Good Mastering. My main goal is to compare his thoughts on GM to mine and see how the 7 year old book stayed relevant today. My objective isn’t to […]
Chatty’s Megadungeon: Building the Font of Sorrows
A word of warning to my players, this post will reveal the first dungeon of our next campaign. First up, a big hello to Grognards and other readers coming from the Old School side to check things out. I may talk about D&D 4e a lot, but I do love dungeons a lot! All right, […]
Chatty’s Mailbox: Helping out a New DM
This morning I had the pleasure to get an email from a reader asking me a few questions to help him out in his D&D 4e DMing. As usual, I love doing that and it creates instant fresh content of interest for other readers in a similar situation. Win/win says I. Let’s dive into it […]
Chatty’s Megadungeon: The Primal Dungeon and The City Within
Following a surge of interest about classic fantasy Megadungeon campaigns on the blogsphere, I’ve mused about re-visiting the concept in D&D 4e. Then, a few days later, I laid the foundations of how I would go at making a 4e Megadungeon campaign. Today I thought I’d share with you some of the work that my […]
Adventure Prep: Hacking the Written Word
Some time ago, I used to blog about how I prepared my bi-monthly games and posted them before my actual game sessions. It was a writing challenge because I was trying to write something significant for my readers while limiting spoilers for my players (most of whom are readers of this here blog). I stopped […]
Players Handbook 2 Preview: The Warden
Earlier in the month, I and a few other bloggers and podcasters were given copies of the upcoming Players Handbook 2 for the 4th Edition of Dungeons and Dragons. In exchange, we agreed to write about it and share with our readers. The Players Handbook 2 features 5 new races: Deva, Gnome, Goliath, Half-Orc and […]
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