(This post covers my last two D&D 4e games) Last Friday we concluded our longest D&D 4e campaign yet, clocking it somewhere between 16 and 20 game sessions (almost one year). In order to make posts length easier to manage, here’s the ultra condensed story. Campaign Finale: Redux Using a mysterious 4 part key collected […]
Cross-Class Training II: The Teaching DM
Happy thanksgiving to all my American readers! Deep friend Turbaconducken anyone? I tend to have a one track mind, so while I’m done teaching my MS-Outlook/Time Management class, it’s still very much on my mind. Just so you know, things went so well that the College’s director offered me to teach another course right after […]
Cross-Class Training: GMs, Teachers & Managers
As many of you know, I’ve spent most of the last week preparing a 2 day MS-Outlook 2007/Time Management course that I’ll be teaching Tuesday and Wednesday of this week for a local College. While I was prepping for it, building an outline for each topics I decided to cover, I realized just how similar […]
Campaign Genesis: Gears of Ruin
I’m taking a short break from my course prep to share with you some of the brainstorming that is shaping my newest D&D 4e campaign. Last week, when I pre-pitched my D&D adventure ideas for Dungeon Magazine, one of the ideas that wasn’t retained ‘as is’ was a clockwork fantasy adventure. It’s not that the […]
The State of Chatty: Fall 2009 Edition
Disclamer, this is not a RPG post, at least not directly. I’m going to update readers about the state of my project and my general health. I usually always write these posts when I’m in the throes of some sort of crisis or from the depths of depression. Well I’m happy to tell you that […]
Campaign Weariness: Ending a campaign before its time
As I hinted in my last game report, I feel the urge to move on from our Primal Dungeon/City Within campaign. At 15 sessions so far, this has been the longest Mini-campaign I’ve played since we started 4e. While I think the setting is ripe for more adventures, I feel like creating/exploring a new micro-setting […]
Turning D&D 4e’s Economy on its Head
I love 4e with a passion that my geek-fueled prose has expressed numerous times on various platforms. However, after having played for more than one year, I must say that I really dislike the treasure attribution mechanics and the economics underlying them. Spending time choosing magic items for my players and placing huge amounts of […]
Mouse Guard Diaries: The First Duel
Oh yes, another series 🙂 Last night my friend PM dropped by the house for an impromptu geekout. We had a great session of armchair producing of potential remakes of Star Wars over Pizza and beer. We than played a game of Carcassone (loved it) and Dominion with Nico (my son won at Dominion, again). […]
City of the Overmind: Nipples of Chaos, Part 2
See part 1 here. Cursed item to the rescue! The session’s first scene was eventually concluded with the adventure more or less back on track. We had a 20′ tall Flaming Angel instead of a draconic blob. I was cool with that. Heck, I would have been happy with the Marshmallow Colossus from Ghostbusters as […]
City of the Overmind: The Nipples of Chaos, Part 1
Chatty DM (wiping laughter tears ): Guys! Enough with the nipple jokes! I think I’m going to put that into the game report’s title. Mike: You’d never dare, this stuff is always left out your reports. Chatty DM: Just watch me… This last game session was a strange, strange beast. On the one hand, we […]
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