Dear Fable 3: I hate you. Actually, I love most of you. But you have to treat me right, or I won’t be here forever. Actually, I will, but I will be here hating you. Forever.
Orgrimmar Politics As Usual
It’s the end of a brutal election season, and the race for key positions in the Horde have never been closer. No one could have expected Thrall to step down from his position as Warchief, but it was no surprise to anyone just how heated the battle to ensue would become. Hit the jump for expanded election coverage!
Review: Costume Quest
If you’d like to do something this Halloween that doesn’t involve scaring the unholy crap out of yourself, I humbly suggest you download a copy of Double Fine’s new RPG – Costume Quest. Warning: this game transformed me into an 8-year old boy, and I am no longer able to legally work in the United States. IT WAS WORTH IT.
Afraid Of The Dark
Get into the Halloween spirit with this festive post where I relive a bunch of the night terrors I had as a child. Woo! Party (while screaming bloody murder for my parents)!
The Lion, The Witch, and the Progressive Enhancement: CRAZY DELICIOUS
When I am not being angry at BioWare or working feverishly into the night coming up with Star Wars-themed sexual innuendo, I sometimes show up to my day job as a web developer. One concept that we frequently use at work to make websites usable and friendly to everyone is called progressive enhancement. Put simply, […]
OMG I’M OLD. When did this happen? Why don’t birthdays feel like they used to when I was a kid? WHAT IS MY TAUNTAUN’S NAME?
Burlap Sex Alone Does Not A Relationship Make
Listen, BioWare. You know you’re the only development studio for me. It was never that your games were the prettiest. They’re nice, but you never made me save vs. pants-change like, say, God Of War 3. It was never that your gameplay is the smoothest or most innovative. Don’t get me wrong, Mass Effect 2 was a nice step up from its predecessor, with its powers and equipment systems all nicely overhauled and refined and that superfun mining minigame. That’s not why every BioWare game is a day one purchase for me. But you’re screwing up the main reason you’re awesome. Quit it.
Goodbye, From a Grandson
I lost my grandmother yesterday. She was 83 years old and one of the most awesome people I’ve ever known. Everything I write seems terribly inadequate, but I do want to try and share how important she was to me and who I’d eventually become.
Solving The Sith Problem
For hundreds of thousands of years, the Jedi and the Sith have been at war. Billions have lost their lives. I say we can stop this cycle of needless violence without firing a shot.
Tales of Horror: D&D for TWEENS
Imagine a world in which the D&D you know and love is reimagined and marketed to tweens. Now look at this duck. Now look at me. Look at this double scoop of horror. WHAT DOES IT MEAN? Nothing. Now it is fear diamonds.
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