Collected liveblog by Vanir of the DDXP 2011 New Product Seminar. A few new products announced, some details of previously announced products, and the additional loss of a product or two.
A Cure For The Januarys
I hate January. A lot. I hope to reverse this condition with radical, intensive game-convention therapy in the form of DDXP. And Gamma radiation. GET IT?
Hell Bent For Leather
An epic tale in which my shaman gets a job, but no haircut. In which honor swims around and is delicious when barbecued. In which I learn valuable life lessons that I never use, but become a man anyway. I loved. I learned. I farmed 10 stacks of Heavy Savage Leather while watching Jersey Shore, and wondered what debuffs armor made out of Snooki hide would give the wearer.
Shamanic Puberty
A coming-of-age tale of one man and two berserkers. Of fighting and healing. Of puppies and of elven bones knitting. Of divine power and delicate constitutions. Of character acne. I don’t know what that is, but it definitely underscores the need for good PC hygiene.
Vanir’s New Year’s Gaming Resolutions (2011 Edition)
Since the new year is almost upon us, I decided perhaps I should give a look to how I would like the entertainment portion of my life to function over the next year.
The Leg-Lamp of Vecna
Read on as I discover the true meaning of Christmas. Does it involve amputation? Setting aside one’s humanity to gain unlimited power? Spinach? Only Santa knows for sure.
A Very Gamma Christmas
“‘Twas the night before Christmas” / (or so the book said) / not an Ancient was stirring / (because they’re long dead)
Dancing Tentacles
I might not look it, but I’m pretty good at Dance Dance Revolution. I know this might seem unlikely, especially for those of you who have seen me. I’m 6’3”, 280 pounds, and as gangly and uncoordinated as they come. I very much think my parents rolled a 4 or 5 for my DEX score.
How To Stop A Bully
That news story about the little girl who got picked on for having a Star Wars bottle last week broke my heart. I was picked on mercilessly from pretty much the first day of school until I got my high school diploma. I don’t want that for my boy. This is, sadly, not an uncommon story for us geeks. What do we do?
Fable 3 Half-Review Part 2 – Freedom: The Final Betrayal
In the name of all that is good and holy in this world, you MUST to read the last half of my review of Fable 3. To protect yourself. To protect your family. For AMERICA. (If you do not live in America, I am sorry. Your reading this review will still be counted as being for America.)
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