Every so often people send us links to Kickstarter campaigns to take a look at, but this one specifically really caught my eye. The Level Up is a custom, lightweight platform that helps add a second level to your tabletop for board games & tabletop RPGs (or any game that can take up a lot of table space, really).

I’ve been struggling with how to write this post because, to me, the Kickstarter page and images really sell the product incredibly well on their own. So this post will be image heavy and I’ll talk about why this product looks super appealing to me.
We are very lucky to have a fairly large and very stable table in our house that we use for playing games, but even with plentiful space there are still the occasional board games (*cough* Dark Souls *cough*) that somehow expand out to take up the whole dang table, or getting five to six players around the table for D&D also manages to take up space quickly. Once I saw the pictures of the Level Up I thought:

Another feature that really caught my attention is the amount of thought and effort put into making the product modular and adaptable to a large variety of tables/games, I mean look at this:

The modular design is awesome enough, but the Level Up also gives you variety in where you can place the legs so you can have a deeper recess underneath or tweak stability depending on what you’re putting on top of it. Speaking of putting things on top of it, I’m happy to see the people behind this product are properly testing it:

Level Up is on Kickstarter now, and ends 2/27.
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