To tide you over until the Random Encounter is up later today, I wanted to fulfill one of my promises made back in early February. I said that I would post images of the World of Warcraft action figures as soon as they came out, but as I don’t visit the WoW homepage very often I must have missed the release last week. I highly suggest going over to DC Unlimited’s website and checking out the images of the first four figures from the line.
This first series includes Thargas Anvilmar the Dwarf Warrior, Rehgar Earthfury the Orc Shaman, Valeera Sanguinar the Blood Elf Rogue, and Meryl Felstorm the Undead Warlock (pictured). Overall the figures all look awesome, and I’m thoroughly impressed with DC Unlimited’s work. The weapons and armor chosen for each figure are creative and interesting to look at, and hopefully they deliver on the highly detailed yet inexpensive trend that has blessed action figures lately. I was surprised that they picked a Blood Elf as one of the first releases considering the race is extremely new to the game, but I assume it’s also one of the most popular ones. With the promise mentioned in my last post of “special edition” figures of a Dranei Paladin and Illidan Stormrage I have high hopes for where DC Unlimited can take the line of figures.
The figures are set to be released on October 24th, 2007. You can see some less-dramaticized images here.
Mmmm….Tier 5 warlock set…::droooooool::
That Blood Elf rogue model is intruiging. Not only is she sporting armor that doesn’t exist in the game, it strikingly make her look like a Dark Eldar from Warhammer 40K.
Err, or am I thinking of the Dark Elves from Warhammer fantasy? I have been away from the realm of war miniatures too long.
You were definately thinking Dark Eldar from 40k. Which, by the way, are apparently not getting scrapped as I had initially heard. There are plans to re-do their codex for 4th edition and release a whole slew of new miniatures along with it. Though, with Games Workshop’s slow pace of releasing army books, it will probably be a few years.