Critical-Hits Studios, in partnership with Greater Than Games, is proud to present Sentinel Comics: the Roleplaying Game, a comic book experience roleplaying game from the page of Sentinel Comics. The card game Sentinels of the Multiverse was the first glimpse into the worlds of Sentinel Comics, featuring tales of heroes triumphing over powerful supervillains.
Sentinel Comics: The Roleplaying Game uses its own game system to best represent the heroes of the Sentinel Comics universe. It uses a three dice pool system that is formed from a character’s powers, qualities, and status, sometimes referred to as the “GYRO system.”
Sentinel Comics Roleplaying Game Core Rulebook
The SCRPG Core Rulebook contains all the rules needed to run an SCRPG game, including hero creation rules, expanded discussion of core rules, GM toolkits to create villains, environments, and other threats, pre-generated heroes from the Sentinels of Freedom (the new incarnation of the Freedom Five) and Daybreak (a new band of teen heroes), sample issues, plenty of villains from the pages of Sentinel Comics, and much more.
2021 Ennie Nominated for Product of the Year, Best Game, Best Layout/Design, and Best Family Game/Product
Available from:
- Your friendly local game store
- The Greater Than Games web store
- DriveThruRPG (PDF)
- Amazon
Additional Files:
- GnomeStew – “If you are the type of person that really wants to seize upon the pacing and the feeling of how a comic book story unfolds, this game does all of that phenomenally well.”
- ENWorld – “Sentinel Comics RPG is a fantastic comic book roleplaying game that offers depth without the massive point buys of yesteryear.”
- System Mastery Podcast – “There’s a lot to really like in here… The guided method of character creation is probably the best in a group of good things.”
- DriveThruRPG – 5 stars, “This is a must-have for any fan of comic-book RPGs, and my go-to system going forward.”
Sentinel Comics: The Roleplaying Game Starter Kit
The SCRPG Starter Kit comes with everything you need to play your first entire super-heroic campaign! This starter kit comes with a ton of information and gameplay content across thirteen booklets.
2018 Ennie Award Nominated for Best Production Values
- 1 Gameplay Guide
- 6 Hero Character Booklets
- 6 Adventure Booklet
Available from:
- Your Friendly Local Game Store
- Greater Than Games Webstore
- DriveThruRPG (PDF)
Reviews and Overviews from the Starter Kit:
- StoryBoard Gamer Review (Text)
- Starter Kit Review from Gnome Stew (Text)
- 5 Star Review on Reddit (Text)
- Become The Comic Book Hero You’ve Always Wanted in Sentinel Comics: The Roleplaying Game (Text)
- Elements of a Hero (Text)
- SteveisBoard Overview and Tutorial (Video)
- What’s In The Pixie’s Box – Sentinel Comics: the Role Playing Game by Greater Than Games (Video)
- Beasts of War Interview and Overview (Video)
- Gnomecast – Sentinels and Superhero RPGs (Audio)
- Meeple Gamers Starter Kit Reviews (Text)
Single Issue Adventures
Other Resources
Social Media/Forums
Actual Play
OneShotRPG plays Sentinel Comics (Episode 1 out of 5)
- Character Creation Cast goes through the SCRPG Guided Method (Episode 1 of 3)
- Sentinel Comics Live! Season 1 – Actual play from Greater Than Games employees with brand new heroes known as The Visitors. (Video)
- Sentinel Comics Live! Season 2 – More actual play from Greater Than Games employees who have made their own hero team, The Escalators, and a completely different set of players from Season 1. (Video)
- Game Trade Media – Christopher and Dave demo the upcoming character creation rules.
- Beasts of War at UK Games Expo 2018 – Christopher of Greater Than Games runs issue 1 from the Starter Kit for Beasts of War plus Critical-Hits designer Dave Chalker (Video)
- Hyper RPG Playthrough (Video, subscription required)
- Boards Alive Plays Sentinel Comics: The Roleplaying Game at PAX 2017 (Audio)
- Let’s Play Better Part 1 (Audio)
- Let’s Play Better Part 2 (Audio)
- Listen to These Nerds plays Stolen Legacy (Audio)
- Show and Tell # 64 Sentinel Comics: The Role Playing Game -Character Creation (Audio)
- Dragon’s Demize tests the character creation system of Sentinel Comics: The Roleplaying Game (Audio)
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