Logan Bonner Presents
EXTREME Role-Playing in the Galactic Super-City!
by Logan Bonner, with Jared von Hindman and Noodle Soup
Nobody can be sure of your destiny except chance……
The Karma Fates guide the fates of millions of planets. Their servants are the Hero Characters, who fight with superpowerful abilities and Cybernetix attachments normal people would not be able to handle in order to battle back the hordes of space demons, evil pirates, and Dimensions Unknown. From the gold planet Goldana to the rock spikes of Kragnarok to the human settlement on the New Peking Ark, everybody needs a hero to rescue them. The heroes can be that hero!
This book contains:
- Complete character creation tables, with 100 choices of class and 100 choices of race
- Monster tables. Will the Hero Characters fight Lazer Sharks or a Tele-Psychic Daemon Spyder? Anything is possible!
- Powerful NPC Characters including Dr. Geronth Hellstrike, ex-God “Ripper” Strongbald and The Planet Hurler
- Descriptions of 24 different locations including planets, ships, and alternate dimension planes
- Character Record Account Paper, suitable for photocopying!
- Random Audacity location and random problem tables to make running the game faster and quicker
For more information about Refuge in Audacity and how it came to be, read Logan’s blog post about the game.
Refuge in Audacity Rulebook
- Complete Book (18 MB)
Other Refuge in Audacity PDFs
Fan Creations
- Online Character Generator by Bo Williams
Did this game totally blow your mind? Do you want to give some money to its creators so they can afford a case of Surge for their next gaming session? You can donate to them through PayPal.
You can also buy a printed copy or a high-res PDF through Lulu.
Refuge in Audacity [Text] by Logan Bonner is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at https://critical-hits.com//ria.
Refuge in Audacity [Art] by Logan Bonner, Jared von Hindman, and Noodle Soup is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at https://critical-hits.com//ria.
Art Notes: Only the Ironocles image should be attributed to Noodle Soup. If you’re unsure whether to attribute a different image to Logan or Jared, contact Logan at loganbonnergames@gmail.com
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