It’s the Monday before Xmas, and you’re still looking for a gift for the gamer in your life. Or you’ve got some Xmas money coming that you want to spend. Either way, here are some games (and a book) that we recommend you buy.
Sex, Love, and the Races of the PHB2
In honor of the release of the totally awesome PHB2 and Spring, I decided to write about sex, love, and the races of the PHB2.
Ever wonder what a gnome finds sexy? Or how goliaths deal with friction from rubbing lithoderms? Maybe I’m the only one who thinks about these things…
Inq. of the Week: PHB2 Power Creep
In the heyday of 3.5 I’d browse every new splat book, not for intriguing new play options (many, many sucked), but for the overpowered Prestige Class de jour. After all, who didn’t want to dip into a single level of six prestige classes for awesome abilities? With a few exceptions, the poor original DMG prestige classes were forgotten, unless of course something new came out that made a dog suddenly viable. Now, with the PHB2 out I was curious to see if this newer, more-balanced D&D suffered the same fate as its predecessors: Power Creep.
Inq. of the Week: Worldwide D&D Game Day
Last Saturday was Worldwide D&D Game Day, showcasing four of the classes of PHB2 (but only one of the races for some reason) as Paragon PCs sliced their way through One Dark Night in Weeping Briar. I was there, how about you?
PHB2 Roundtable: Races and Other Topics
As with yesterday, I’ve (virtually) assembled a roundtable of bloggers who have delved into the Player’s Handbook 2 (released today). This time, we’ve taken a look at the Races of the PHB2 (like we did with the PHB), along with two of the other topics therein.
PHB2 Roundtable: Classes
When the 4e PHB launched, we held a roundtable discussion of the different classes in the book. Well, now that PHB2 is about to be released tomorrow, we wanted to take a look at those races in a similar format. To accomplish this, I contacted several of my fellow bloggers who had received early preview copies (and have had plenty of chance to pour over it) in order to see how they felt about the classes.
Avengers: Batman is a Divine Striker
The Player’s Handbook 2 has a number of old friends. Barbarians, Bards, Druids… we knew (at least roughly) what these guys would do. But Avengers? They were something of a mystery. Did they refer to the old D&D class that was similar to the Anti-Paladin? Do they wield +5 Protection from Evil swords? Do they ASSEMBLE?
“Player’s Handbook 2”: I haz it
Myself, along with a number of other excellent bloggers, have received preview copies of PHB2. We are all working together to put together a pretty big event around it starting March 13th, and hopefully a series of other supplementary articles about the release. In the meantime, however, I am allowed to answer questions. The ground […]
Mages Gone Wild
Let us take a short trip back in time, to an earlier era of D&D. It was the age of AD&D 2nd Edition, the edition that my group and I really cut our teeth on. The first character I brought to the table was an Elven Psionicist named Spock (The Complete Psionics Handbook being the […]
Inq. of the Week: PHB2 Classes?
Our previous Inquisition focused on a topic near and dear to many RPG players, and can even make or break a person’s whole opinion of a system depending on how it works, systems for magic. I have to say that I’m not surprised to see my personal favorite system, Free Form Magic, come in first place with 27% of the votes.
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