I thoroughly enjoyed Captain America: Civil War, but watching it with my wife, I was struck by a few major compromises the film made.
Fifty Shades of “Marvel Heroic Roleplaying”
Cortex Plus is an imminently hackable system. Having played in a game that began as Pathfinder and switched to MHRP and kept the same setting, I have experience in crafting MHRP to fit unusual circumstances. I have used MHRP as a basis for changing and epic level Pathfinder game into a more story-telling emphasized hack of MHRP. What follows are some of the more interesting applications that developed in my own game.
Collateral Damage #5: The Glass Crusade
In which Chatty reveals the latest adventures of the West Coast’s most unlikely superheroes. This month’s session introduces a new multi-issue story arc that brings the heroes in a church where they get attacked by a very devout foe! Don’t miss it!
Collateral Damage #4: Getting Hammered in Disneyland
The long awaited adventures of Collateral Damage continue as they face their greatest threat: Dr. Doom! Mud demons, an ancient sorceress and DISNEYLAND! This is an issue you do NOT want to miss!
Torg: A Marvel Heroic Roleplaying Hack (Orrorsh – Realm of Gothic Horror) – Part 1
In the original Torg game, Orrorsh is where Storm Knights went to die. The powers of the Horrors allowed them to prevent Storm Knights from soaking damage, which often ended up in dead heroes. I’m not looking to make Orrorsh so deadly in my Torg hack. After all, dead heroes can’t be afraid, or become corrupt and become Horrors. Since a horror style roleplaying game has a different feel than Marvel Heroic Roleplaying, there needs to be some substantial changes to how you play the game in order to get the atmosphere of horror.
Collateral Damage #3: The Avengers Initiative Part 2: Hydra does Dallas
Having cheated their way to great success on their second day of Avengers training at Camp Hammond, Connecticut, our heroes are scrambled to Texas to face a Hydra raid on the President’s Ranch.
Collateral Damage #3: The Avengers Initiative Part 1: Training Day, Prise Deux
Collateral Damage is back, our cheating, barely heroic characters try to complete Avengers training… of course, they’re not going to do it by the book… that would be boring.
Torg: A Marvel Heroic Roleplaying Hack (Storm Knight Datafiles)
Today, I’m publishing six datafiles that I’ve worked on so far for my Torg hack. Since the World Laws of the various cosms show up in the datafiles, I will briefly discuss them as well, although not every datafile will include every World Law.
Torg: A Marvel Heroic Roleplaying Hack (Hacking the Datasheets)
I need to explain how the mechanics of causing contradictions in other realities worked in the original Torg game. If a character uses a tool: a spell, miracle, piece of tech or some sort of social concept, it causes a single contradiction if the axiom level of that tool is greater than either the character’s home reality or the reality that character finds herself in.
Torg: A Marvel Heroic Roleplaying Hack (Primer)
Back in 1990, West End Games released Torg, a cinematic style multi-genre roleplaying game. This game featured many innovative mechanics such as the Drama Deck and Possibility Points, but is best known for its background. Not only did this game allow multiple genres to be treated with the same mechanics, but then smashed them together […]
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