I see that after a bit less than 24 hours of polling, my pain-med induced Overlord Crunch of Madness posts aren’t that popular. I still need to see this one to the end though. I’m therefore giving this post a double mandate: Finish off what I started against my Nemesis and giving you a few […]
Save Keys to open doors…
Unrelated Preface: I had dinner with Yax of Dungeonmastering.com on Monday night. He’s in Montreal for a few months and I’m glad I got to meet a fellow blogger. Yax sure is passionate about what he does and he has a plan… (which makes him a Cylon, obviously. Don’t be fooled by his boyish Dr. […]
Mining Tropes for RPG nuggets: The Blessed Cursed.
Image Source: WotC’s Ravenloft baby! This is part of a continuing series of articles that tackles the concepts of tropes and how they can be applied by a DM/GM to improve their favorite Role-Playing game adventures. It is heavily inspired by the sheer goodness of the TV Tropes Wiki.This afternoon, while Gtalking with PM, my […]
Adventure Prep, Session 4: The Dynamic Dungeon Crawl
Image Source: Wizards of the Coast (I’m baiting for a Cease and Desist letter, I know… hope this falls under fair use) Last time we left our current D&D game, I left my players in the middle of a Sewers-based Dungeon Crawltaken from the Vile Addiction adventure in Dungeon Magazine #145, much to the dismay […]
Enter my Nemesis: Wolfgang Baur!
Image Source: Once again, RPGnet’s Forum. To arms! My Fluff Nemesis, Master Wolfgang Baur, has found out about my nefarious plans to topple his empire of Fluff and has already started to maneuver to foil my mad Crunchy schemes! Aside: Well, to be honest, I did tell him about the Nemesis thing, how fun is […]
Mining Tropes for RPG nuggets: …and Cut!
This is part of a series of articles that tackles the concepts of tropes and how they can be applied by a DM/GM to improve their favorite Role-Playing game adventures. It is heavily inspired by the sheer goodness of the TV Tropes Wiki. Description: a DM’s main weapon and canvas to paint the world in […]
Why do you Play?
Image Source: Monte Cook’s World of Darkness d20 cover. Hot on the heels of the ‘Why do you DM‘ post, and to address the 64% of readers that play at least some of the time, here’s the follow up questions: Why do you play a player character in a tabletop RPG? What are the top […]
Mining Tropes for RPG nuggets: Glowing Fluff Elemental
Image Source: RPGnet’s Forums. This is part of a series of articles that tackles the concepts of tropes and how they can be applied by a DM/GM to improve their favorite Role-Playing game adventures. It is heavily inspired by the sheer goodness of the TV Tropes Wiki. Quite a number of tropes exist solely because […]
New Milestone!!!
Image Source: Mille Bornes! (What? You never played that game???) This here blog thingnie hit the 100 unique visitor’s in a day mark for the 1st time yesterday at midnight. And that was before Martin’s shout-out this morning (Thanks so much, it means a lot to me)! I might as well spend a few lines […]
Fluff done right: Paizo's Pathfinder first impressions
Like a lot of Dungeon magazine subscribers, it’s with shock and apprehension that I learned about WotC’s revocation of the Dungeon and Dragon magazine licenses. For those who don’t know yet, Paizo, the publisher of the two magazines, created a new D&D 3.5 compatible adventure magazine (they just don’t say it out loud) called Pathfinder […]
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