It’s been some time since I last posted an article in the Tropes series. What can I say? It’s been a busy 2 weeks! This post will tie in directly with tomorrow’s Adventure Prep post for this week’s game. There you are, sitting wherever it is you sit when preparing your next adventure. You want […]
Chatty Player's Corner: Character Genesis
Well it was only a matter of time. Franky went completely bonkers over Monte’s World of Darkness d20 game and he’s bought d20 Modern, the Menace Manual and other books of the genre… I can’t say I blame him… I mean look at my library… and those are mostly 3.5 books! Anyhoo, while we were […]
Guest Post: Perspective on Weekend Wizards: A Half-orc's venture into the wild.
This is PM’s second post of his Casual Player approach to D&D. Once again, PM’s wry humour entertains us in his tale of confronting his fears about that nasty multi-headed beast that is Role-Playing! Last week, my inner half-orc took a few steps out of the closet and while it was a bit scary out […]
Mining Tropes for RPG nuggets: Halloween Special!
This is a boring, repeating preface nobody reads anymore. It links to stuff I wrote some time ago that has a vague thematic link to what I’m about to write here… Actually this is a Very D&D specific Trope post. It features a lot of Crunchy bits… like the candy I’m eating right now…The kids […]
Campaign Fluff Tools
Tonight I had planned to write an Adventure Prep post for this week’s game, but I don’t have a lot of time and will do it Tuesday evening. Instead I’m whipping up a short post on some Fluffy tools I use to better create a sense of immersion in our games.One of the walls of […]
Tabletops & Tropers: The first stab.
I’m having a successful run with my posts on coolness and applying tropes to tabletop RPGs. Today I’d like to start a new series that tackles the actual tropes that generate from Tabletop roleplaying instead of other narrative media. The idea came to me while reading a tabletop RPG debate on the TV Tropes forum. […]
DM Chronicles, New Player Intro: The legend of the Broken Dice
This post features extensive spoilers for the 1st Pathfinder Adventure path adventure “Burnt Offering” Last night we played the introduction D&D game I talked about earlier this week. It was a good game and while I completely realize that I might be expecting too much from D&D, it could have gone better…. but this time, […]
Mining Tropes for RPG nuggets: Grab a can of Evil
Image Source: The one and only PM! This is part of a continuing series of articles that tackles the concepts of tropes and how they can be applied by a DM/GM to improve their favorite Role-Playing game adventures. It is heavily inspired by the sheer goodness of the TV Tropes Wiki.Ahhhh Evil, evil, evil… Misunderstood, […]
Guest Post: Perspective on Weekend Wizards from a closet Half-Orc…
Image Source: PM himself with a little help with a South Park creator, I would guess. Chatty DM: Welcome to the first of what I hope will become a series of posts by PM. PM is a friend of ours who has yet to succumb to the sweet call of RPGs, but the Evil Overlord […]
DM Chronicles, Session 4: The Storytellers' Ball, part 1
Image Source: Wizards of the Coast. Previously in Chatty DM’s game:The Characters were investigating the source of a new drug called ‘Green Welcome’ that appeared in the Warrens of Ptolus. This drug has a tendency to transforms its users in horrible Plant-like creatures. Following a tip by a shady dealer, our heroes have started exploring […]
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