So I posted the first part of a How to host a LAN a while ago and said there would be a second part. Here it is. In this section I discuss some sample game choices as well as skill level disparity. Yay!
Katamari Damacy: The Movie?
Close on the heels of such classics as Super Mario Bros. the movie, Mortal Kombat, and Tomb Raider are the next generation of Video game movie adaptations. It has always been a shady business, that of bringing gamers’ favorite characters and playthings to the live action film screen, but is Hollywood getting better at it?
Mortal Kombat LipSync
This is both quite scary and humorous at the same time. Not quite as good as the Ultimate Showdown ( of Ultimate Destiny ), but enough to be posted. From Joystiq: Mortal Kombat – LipSync
Please Choose your Race.
There is a rather humorous image accompanying this article: Racism in WoW This goes along with my article about players killing the spirit of gaming, but this sheds light on both sides of the argument. The largest problem with this article is, however, that most Chinese people play on certain servers where there are larger […]
Can't stop thinking of you or magic coins
If you’ve ever had a significant other that’s a gamer, this should look familiar to you…
Player killed the Videogame Star, Part 1
There is an odd trend amongst gaming and gaming groups that relates directly to the quality of the players. Game players as a people, often deemed such reverent titles as “nerd” and “dork”, are known for their quirkiness and general lack of a full range of social skills. It’s true. That’s why we spend our […]
My love/hate/exercise relationship with DDR
Sorry about the lack of posts lately. It being the holidays and all, and with some of us being tied to the college year schedule, things have slowed down a bit. But I expect as people get bored again, they’ll come back here to rant about whatever video game or large corporation has them down. […]
Critical Hit Gift Guide 2005
Want to score a “Critical Hit” this Holiday season? (Ha, it works on so many levels! What a whimsical site title!) Here’s a holiday gift guide made by the staff. To the writers: post as a comment to this what you would recommend as a good holiday gift, price range, and where to get it. […]
Do Not Go 360 degrees of X-Box Crazy
My good friends over at IGN have published an article that is worth reading before you spend your money on a Microsoft X-Box 360. While it is true that Sony has many problems that do not complement a company that needs a strong consumer base, their saving grace will still be the Playstation game system. […]
Super Mario Tributes
As sort of a followup to my Nerd Songs post, there’s a lot of musical tributes to those powerful plumbers, Super Mario Brothers. Most of them are videos of tribute medleys.
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